new her and confused

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new her and confused

Postby daffy » Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:44 pm

hello all from 'sunny' england.
I am here because i do not understand what i am feeling and hope that someone will recognise my condition if that is the word for it.
I suppose i can begin with saying that i feel absolutely nothing. i look forward to nothing and i am never happy about anything, i am exhausted with trying to appear like i have feelings, amazingly my friends believe that i am someone they can come to with their problems, they believe i have excellent listening skills and the ability to put things right! if only they knew that secretly i dont give a damn for their predicaments and i am just going through the motions. i am sick of the daily feelings of guilt because i dont want to speak to anyone and dont answer the phone. my daughter prefers i believe to spend time with her father and dare i admit that it is easier when she does. over christmas my doctor suspected that i may have cancer, i underwent urgent tests and scans to be told that i am fine, i do not have the deadly disease, everyone said wow i bet you are so relieved, in truth i felt nothing absolutely nothing, it just represented more effort on my part to act out my delight at being well. please anyone am i depressed or am i as i suspect just a mean spirited human being?

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Postby aim » Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:25 pm

Hi Daffy. It sounds like you are depressed... I'm sure you are not a mean-spirited human being! Part of being depressed is losing interest in thing that you used to love... sound like you? Please go and see a doctor and tell he or she your symptoms. There are things that can help you get your care and love of life back... medication and/or therapy work great, usually. Good luck, Daffy. Please don't give up on yourself...

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:52 pm

(((((((((((((((( Daffy )))))))))))))))))

I can't say if you do suffer from depression. Would strongly suggest you speak with your doctor, express all these feelings and see where it goes from there.

If you would like to chat with others, there is a chat room connected with this forum. Please come in and visit if you want, join in conversation. Some wonderful and caring people there.

Warmie 8)

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