It's come back 10 fold.....

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It's come back 10 fold.....

Postby confused86 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:02 pm

I just come off my meds in December last yr as I was doing better as moods were some what improving but not long after coming off them I felt myself reverting to the way I was....but it has gotten worse. I feel helpless, my dad tries to cheer me up but it fails all the time, I'm upset all the time, feeling really self conscious,tired and very irritable. I have been very paranoid as hoe life here isn't so good.

My husband ignores me and only pays me attention when he wants something or wants to go out and doesn't want to go alone as it will look bad for him. I feel like I am getting no support from anyone around me......its bad atm as my dad has just recently divorced my mother and both of them are already dating and i have met my dad's new gf on his b'day. I'm happy for him but I am having to hide myself and the way I feel to impress this new person. She is a nice person but it's just the wrong time for me. I am unemployed again and looking for work...going ok so far. My body is trying to sort itself out when it comes to my monthly cycles coming back...I wasn't getting them due stress and the implant rod for contraception. i don't feel suicidal...I just feel like I want to with draw myself from the world as the world would do better if I laid low for a while.

I just feel like a zombie as I am so tired but as far as I can tell i am sleeping....I can't be bothered talking as i learned when I was seeing a psychologist that it got me no where.......I'm literally at my wits end and don't know what to one supports me and I have tried....I don't talk to my mother, sister or younger brother. My mother and sister tried to ruin my life by giving my address over the internet to a complete stranger who rang our house and threatened me and my husband so I live in fear sis has been threatening me all my life...just found out she has Personality disorder and my dad has now just stuck up for me and has warned my sis off and to get her to leave me alone. How do I get my husband and father to understand what is going on and to support me instead of get angry at me and me wanting to avoid my dad and divorce my husband as he's currently no help or support???.......

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Postby Obayan » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:37 am

I think it would help to sit down and just be open and honest with them. Let them know how you feel and what you want. I also think therapy is a viable option. As is medication.

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Postby confused86 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:45 am

I've tried that so many times and it gets me no where and they don't listen. Its like going though one ear and out the other. I just give up with everything right now and I don't think anything will fix it.

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Postby Obayan » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:41 pm

confused, we have to keep trying hon. Don't give up. Go to a priest, rabbi, counselor, teacher, parent, anyone who will listen. don't stop until you find someone that will help you and listen to you. This is a battle worth winning.

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