Video Games (Occasional)

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:35 am

The game I've been playing lately is Legend of Oasis (for Sega Saturn). I love it. :) It's addictive. I used a FAQ/guide because I was curious about it but didn't want to spend a lot of time with it.

I played and loved Beyond Oasis (for Sega Genesis) a long time back, so picking up Legend of Oasis was a no-brainer for me.

In Legend of Oasis, you play as Leon, who is training to become the Spirit King. It's not bad. This is the tale of the Gold Armlet and the Silver Armlet--a bit of origins. The point of the game is to defeat the owner of the Silver Armlet (Agito), who seems to be some sort of demon, if I just go by his looks. Your aid comes in the form of 6 spirits you must befriend: Dytto (water), Efreet (fire), Bow (earth), Shade (darkness), Brass (sound), and Airl (wind). Bow is called Bawu in Legend of Oasis.

In Beyond Oasis, there are only 4 spirits to befriend, and you play as Ali, who looks similar to Leon.


I did finish Legend of Heroes III (PSP) & have been playing the New Game +. For now, I've taken a break from it. The only other game I've been playing on the PSP at the moment is Spelling Challenges. I'm at level 70 something and it's a bit more difficult. :lol:

For DS Lite, I was in a Sonic mood & was playing through Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood again. I'm about halfway through it.

On Xbox 360, I've been between Sega & Sonic All-Stars Racing and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). I might play Uno, as I found the disc the other day.

Sega Racing was fun and hilarious in places! I particularly like using Shadow's motorcycle. :D

In Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), I got pretty far, considering I still haven't mastered the controls. I had a bit of nerves & sweaty palms playing Crisis City.... but in a strange way, it was still fun. Since I ran out of lives, just as I got to the next stage (Flame Core), I restarted the game and replayed this one mission where I could get free men by collecting rings (something with the hotel manager in New City, Soleanna). Maybe I went overboard, but I have about 88 lives now.

Yeah.... I'm that determined to get through the game this time..... :lol: Hopefully, I won't have to use them all.

In case, you're wondering why I have that many consoles.... It's because I mostly play games with Sonic the Hedgehog in it.... I don't know how that came to be.... :lol:

Finally, while not a video game, my Dad picked me up a find-a-word book. :) I may go on the beach, park up, sit in the car or the sand or whatever & do a puzzle. I am hoping I can find a jumble type word game as well.

Just trying to stay sane.... but it doesn't really look that way, does it??


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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:15 am

I almost want to pick up Final Fantasy X and start to play it (finally). :lol:

In Spelling Challenges (PSP), I'm finally in the level 80 somethings.... It sure is getting harder. I'm hearing words I've never heard before in my life.

I was playing Sega Racing & I finally hit the ramp properly in this one stage (Dark Arsenal). It's a shortcut so you can be in the lead. It was loads of fun. I was doing time trials & managed to beat some of my times.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:15 pm

((((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))))

Something I never got started or found the time to work it in. Pleased to see you enjoy this. :)


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Sep 12, 2010 12:53 pm

I am hoping that one day you are able to play, if that is what you would like to do!

I play because I have time to at the moment. Sometimes it's relaxing. Other times it can really help to keep my brain sharp.... It has been escapism as well & then it can be just plain fun!

As long as there is something that you can do at some point for fun, then it isn't as bad.

Fun + humorous! (((((((((((((((((((((((( Warmie ))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I went back & started playing Legend of Oasis again, when I was in the middle of an allergic reaction, just to take my mind off of it. In the Water Shrine, there is a room where an enemy says he's not going to let you pass. Well, I found a way to get by him by crouching & going down through the stream. It was pretty funny because he taunted me saying, "Come back & fight me like a man!" which I thought was hilarious....

I didn't expect the programmers to make it so that he would say something if you didn't fight him. :lol:

This time around I am trying to go through the game without killing many of the enemies. Oddly enough, that's how you get a good rank.

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Postby Obayan » Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:01 pm

Oh i about went crazy(er) for the week i was without internet and couldn't get on World of Warcraft and play online with family and friends.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:41 pm

(((((((((((((((((((((((( Obayan ))))))))))))))))))))))))

:) I haven't gotten to WoW yet.... I'm pretty afraid of online games or rather the interactions. :lol:

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Postby Obayan » Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:14 pm

actually, i like the online game. It's very social and interactive which is what i need to intigrate into my life right now. I can go and play or i can just go and sit and chat. It's not moderated like our chat room, so have to be aware of that, but for the most part, it's all about the game and not about me for a change.

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:33 am

In my last ultimate timeout.... (which was almost like being on a vacation without leaving the house)

I saw that this comic book series I bought in the Korean language is being unofficially translated again, which made me VERY HAPPY. The title is called MASCA--about what happens to a mage/magician.

I did see another Korean manhwa series that I liked (Absolute Witch), but if I get it.... I may only get it [a] if I have space for it & [b] once the series is completed. I think it's on book #9 right now.... (I don't want to end up with anything running over 15 to 20 books like how Yul Gang/Ruler of the Land & Ouke no Monshou does.... They're a great series, but JEEZ, THEY'RE LONG!!)

Truthfully I don't want anything over 5 books, but I've seen really good comics in a 12 series or so format.

Yul Gang is like martial arts related.... (never really thought I'd like a martial arts comic series, especially how Dragonball/Dragonball Z the anime was run into the ground in the US)

Ouke no Monshou is about this young lady who after going in some ancient ruins or something like that is cursed & is randomly transported between at least 2 different worlds.

Really captivating stuff (for someone like me with a short attention span/cycle)....

Video Games

I have finally picked up Final Fantasy X! Hurrah! It is holding my interest! & also.... it is as good as I thought it would be or hoped it would be--even now. I like how the controls feel! Truthfully, FFX feels like FFVII.....

FFX is special to me because I had gotten the soundtrack + a piano music score book many years ago but never played the game. I had no real interest in video games at the time. It's pretty amazing how much of the music I remember, & it's interesting to see where the tracks fit in the game & scenes.

I'll admit I was a tad confused at first about the Sphere Grid, but it's not that hard (at least not in the US version, which is said to lack the expert grid).

About Controls
(I can pretty much use the direction stick thing without too many problems, which made me glad; I can have a hard time using the controls, but I've found that it's possibly due to a game's programming.)

For example, I did also finally look at Sonic Adventure DX & using a Gamecube controller, I didn't have too much problems controlling my characters in town. The stages were another story, but it still wasn't that bad.

When I popped in Sonic Riders, it was a whole 'nother story.... The controls are sensitive to me....

Side note: I'm pretty glad I got around to playing Sonic Adventure (DX) because I see where parts of that game seemed to have ended up in Sonic Unleashed & '06--even down to the style of music & some of the nuances, especially in Unleashed. (SA + SU both have options for Japanese language with English subtitles.... 8) & that makes me a happy camper. I always feel that songs/artistic stuff should be done in their original language. Somehow, it just sounds better to me a lot of the time. It just somehow seems like things get lost in translation.)

There was also an interesting glitch when I played the first stage.... & my freemen disappeared too (& I mean in Sonic Adventure it's pretty hard to die 40 something times & not be aware of it! Most of the game is actually just too easy.) :lol: Funny, I tell ya.

I also found out where a track or 2 came from that was in Sega Tennis, etc.

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Postby Djkatscan » Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:44 pm

I can't wait for Fable III to come out!

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:12 am

Fable... Hhmm... I'll have to go see what it is!

I played through Inkheart (DS). It's not bad. I'm working on Trace Memory (DS). It's interesting. Both games are point & click, puzzle type games. I got stuck a few times, but I found them to be pretty okay.

Evergrace (PS2) is my current love. The plot was not done well (confusing, etc.), but I fell in love with the characters/some of the music. The secret dungeon is also interesting. It's a sort of action RPG, but it's 10 yrs old, so it won't be the same as playing anything today.

Oh dear.... I'm trying to get through Final Fantasy X.... I truly did not realize just HOW LONG that game is, if you try to do everything, including the sidequests: from playing blitzball, recruiting team members, getting extra aeons that Yuna can summon, the Omega Dungeon + Omega Weapon, dodging lightning 200x in a row, catching butterflies, chocobo racing, summoner's duel (Belgemine), powering up & getting Celestial Weapons + the Celestial Mirror, unlocking items in the temples, capturing monsters for the Arena, playing the Cactuar game in that part of the desert.....

OH MY WORD.... It's just too much!! I've done most of it already.... The only things left to do is the monster arena, defeat the end-game boss, & buy the remaining movie spheres.... Keh.... I even took a break from the game....

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri May 20, 2011 7:45 am

I did beat FFX a while back & start playing X-2, which I haven't finished.

However, I finally did get through Crisis Core & started with Kingdom of Paradise (PSP for both). I had stopped playing CC because I already knew my main character would die, no matter what I did & that just upset me. The graphics were absolutely stunning.

Kingdom of Paradise is not bad... kinda tough.... lots of things are hard to come by in the beginning of the game (which is where I am currently). I don't like how the characters don't blink when there are conversations; it feels very unnatural.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:29 pm

Finally, I finished FFX-2, played through Dirge of Cerberus: FFVII & might start FFVIII.

Dirge was okay. The story was okay/confusing, but I didn't really care for the gameplay. I wasn't 100% certain whether the main character, Vincent, lost his "super powers" or what.

A strange thing happened when I went to play FFVIII, though. I popped Disc One into my silver slim PS2, & when I got to the part to start a new game, the screen was black/blank! I was like, "Hhmm??"

Interestingly enough, I was using a Component cable, which FFVIII & Chrono Cross do not seem to like (Greatest Hits Version for both). I have no clue why I could hear the audio but not see the video. It was pretty puzzling at 1st & then I grabbed the original Composite cable that came with the console & both games worked flawlessly....

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Postby Kalari » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:34 pm

Even at 34 I still play video games heck still have a working nes system with my original legend of zelda cartridge (I cannot believe its celebrating 25 years x.x) I play mmo's from time to time and pod cast about gaming and geeky things. Currently playing DC universe online for my mmo needs and Dragon's age II for stand alone pc cant afford skyrim yet hoping when I can its not as buggy as people are reporting it is.

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Postby Obayan » Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:52 pm

Hi. I'm 49 and i have a ps2, and play wow and eq online. :)

never too old to have fun.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:52 am

I am playing FFVIII still.... On my third time, replaying the beginning of the game, I am finally happy with my strategy for playing it.

What I did was to:

1. Grab this book called Occult Fan out of one of the library shelves....

2. Talk to the left cafeteria lady after talking to the 3 main members of the disciplinary committee to get them out of the way.

3. Beat up monsters, until I learned Card (special ability).

4. Draw & stock some magic. (I only grabbed Scan, Sleep, & Cure for now.)

5. Fight battles but card the monsters to gain AP. (AP helps you learn abilities.) After about 40 something hours playing the game, I am still at Level 9. I would've been at Level 8, had I not killed a few monsters by accident.

5. Learn Card Modification! (ability lets you turn cards into items to sell or that can convert into other useful items/magic)

6. Play Triple Triad once I've got a good hand. Beware, it can be very addicting! Triple Triad is a card game (mini game). It is similar to a game called Tetravex that I remember playing on Windows 3.1. Tetravex was a part of the Windows Entertainmetnt Pack....

Since it is very early in the game & I haven't even completed my 1st mission yet (going to the Fire Cavern), my hand is a few Elvoret cards, 1 Jumbo Cactuar card & 1 Trauma card.

It's difficult at 1st, but after winning a Quistis card & a Biggs & Wedge card, a hand of Biggs & Wedge, Quistis, Jumbo Cactuar, + 2 Elvorets or so pretty much kicks butt almost every time. If not, the game ends in a draw. (I do my best not to lose!!)

In the game I've been playing, I got Elnoyle & Chimera cards from the left cafeteria lady, the Trepie Groupie #1, the man at the receptionist desk, the guy in the library on the 1st screen standing near the shelf, the brown-haired girl on the library screen with the tables & even the 2 people right outside the elevator near the classroom (if I'm not mistaken).

At the town nearby (Balamb), there is a girl with a red skirt & black boots + her dog who will give you Elnoyle, Chimera, etc. cards on the docks. The guy to clear out the card game rules that have been spread is also there (BEFORE THE FIRE CAVERN).

By the way, Elnoyle cards are great for getting most of your players' ultimate weapons on disk 1. (They turn into Energy Crystals!!) Chimera gives Regen Ring (also for an ultimate weapon & for Full Life spell). Full life spell is great for your stats later.

Other things I look out for are Abyss Worm cards (windmill -->Tornado spell), Tri-Face (Curse Spike for Pain spell), Gayla (Mystery Fluid for Meltdown spell), Cactuar (Cactus Thorn), Mesmerize (Mesmerize Blade for Regen Spell), Tonberry/Tonberry King/Belhemel (Saw Blade & Chef's Knife (for Death spell), Ruby Dragon (for Inferno Fang), Death Claw/Grand Mantis (Sharp Spike)& so on....

I do my best not to sell those items....

7. Go into the training center & card Grat & T-Rexaur for some Shumi Tribe cards. 5 Shumis will give 1 Gambler's Spirit, which will give one of your Guardian Force (GF aka Summon) the Card ability....

Once I've done all this, it's time to save in a couple of places & continue the game!!!

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