Pet/Animal Adventures!

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Pet/Animal Adventures!

Postby crystalgaze » Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:33 am

Okay.... There is this gray kitty that has virtually taken over the yard. It's pretty interesting, I feel. Maybe about a week or 2 ago, my Dad & I started seeing it. The cat looks like it has an owner, but there is no collar or anything. It's a very healthy-looking cat.

I had nicknamed the cat Gray Missy... but um, well, Gray Missy is a boy.... !! >_< (My dad noticed today.... I was never able to get a good look at the cat because it always ran off so quickly....) So that name just won't do now.... I have to think of something else....

There have already been many funny times with the cat, from it running off like it usually does, or playing the staring game or watching it lying down in the shade. I might charge up my camera & try to snap a few pictures of it.

It's been pretty funny to see the cat & the wild chicken coexist. They were side by side one time literally & they didn't bother each other.

What's odd about the cat, though, is that it's REALLY QUIET. I have not heard it meow or hiss yet or anything. (I don't want it to hiss at me, of course!) I don't think I've seen it play or anything either.

Oh well....

Unfortunately, I'm already too attached to/enthused by the cat..... T.T ~sigh~

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:28 am

Another name I thought of for the cat was Oddball, but it just doesn't feel right.

I gave the cat a little snack this morning.... He ate up gladly. Mr. Kitty disappears so quickly all the time.... I saw him. I whistled a few times to get his attention.

He curled up on his paws for a moment, & by the time I went back up the stairs & poured out a little food, he looked like he was gone. (Shoot.... What am I going to do with a full, opened bag of cat food, if I can't give it to the cat?!) Then, as I was looking around, he came down from close to the neighbor's easement. I was amazed he was walking towards me how he was....

When I changed his water bowl, he didn't run away like he normally does & he didn't run off too far. He trotted off a little but then he stopped & curled up on his paws.

Maybe I am making progress with the kitty.... He is such a hilarious cat! He walks like he is on a catwalk, I swear! (Homeboy struts.) :lol:

Feeding the cat is comforting.... Not sure why.... He seems to like the food, so I'm glad. :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:51 am

Some other names I thought up were: Radar, Ryo or Incognito.... :lol: (I think you can see I'm not that great at this right now.)

My Dad frightened Mr. Kitty by accident.... Mr. Kitty was curled up, out in the pumpkin vine. Dad was looking for what needed to be picked. He got too close to Mr. Kitty & Mr. Kitty took off like Speedy Gonzalez or Roadrunner.

Dad was like.... "Ah... I guess he won't forgive me for that one.... -_-;"

Guess what Mr. Kitty came back to the yard after that, though, so I guess it's all good.

I've thought a lot about how Mr. Kitty is strange..... I think he may have been terrified by where ever he is/was. He's really standoffish; I've not seen his level of standoffish-ness in an animal ever. It's as if he says: "Please don't invade my personal space.... PLEASE!!" I don't know for sure, though....

Mr. Kitty has those moments where he looks & behaves like a normal cat. He was playing by the tree, sitting on the neighbor's fence wall..... His habits do sort of remind of my dog, though.... He probably should have been a dog instead. :lol:

He was very cute yesterday. I saw him, so I picked up his bowl. When I came back outside, he was sitting near where his bowl was looking up at me. I was like, "Hrrm? That's different." (He doesn't usually give his attention to much of anything.)

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Postby Djkatscan » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:51 am

Sounds like you are slowly making a new friend!

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:54 pm

Maybe I am making friends with Mr. Kitty. I haven't seen him in a few days, though.

I still haven't thought of a name yet.... >_< Maybe Amigo or Ricky? :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:04 am

Well.... Ricky did the unexpected today. I came down with the bag of cat food & was kneeling on the ground, pouring it out onto his plate.

I was puzzled when I looked around for the cat & didn't see him anywhere (when I had just seen him sitting in the middle of the pumpkin vine)!! Ah, but he pulled a good one on me.... because he CAME CLOSER!! I nearly had a conniption; Ricky spooked me good! :lol: He was still far away--like 2 armlengths--but trust me, that was still MUCH CLOSER than he ever would come.

He NEVER comes closer..... :shock:


On a different note, I kept hearing this noise in the room where I was sleeping. It sounded like a bug!! I looked & didn't see anything, so I went back in bed. I heard it again, so I called my Dad.... :lol: The bug didn't make any noise. He waited around & then went downstairs. The noise started up again & he came back upstairs. This time he heard it & agreed that it was some sort of bug.

Dad pulled down the curtains & we both didn't see anything. I opened the windows & haven't heard the noise since that time. We'll see what happens tonight....

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:44 am

Well... Ricky is a little better now. He doesn't run too much anymore. He still hides in the bush, and it's still pretty funny to me.

Let's see.... Amazingly, he doesn't seem to like moist cat food or maybe he doesn't like the flavor I got him...

Get ready for this now.... Dad said he thought he heard Ricky meowing.... :lol: I was just like :shock: ....

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:08 am

((((((((((( Crystal )))))))))))))

Cats are on the strange side at times, but they take their time on deciding who the can and can't trust. Sounds like Mr. Ricky is making up his mind on you. It takes awhile to becoming a friend with them, but once you are, you are stuck. Good luck with it, let him do it his way, don't rush it. Good luck!


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:34 am

Maybe about a month or two ago, I gave up on Ricky, even gave away the food..... I still saw him in the yard, but I didn't bother with him. He looked like he was having fun on the lawn, so it was all good....

Around that time, the cat that lives next door to my friend finally warmed up to me. He's okay, as long as I don't make any sudden movements. He will run & then come back after a while; it's pretty funny. I haven't named him yet; he has an owner, so I wanted to find out what he was named. He's a cute, friendly Siamese cat.

When I come over, I get all these paw prints on the car. One time I was sitting in the car, about to leave, & then I saw the cat walking up & down on the windshield. I had the windows down & he looked like he was about to jump in the vehicle.... It was absolutely funny. :lol:

The other day I saw Missy in the yard (white + gray kitty). Ricky has been back for a spell; he was in this wash pan I have some dirt in for my planting project. I gave him some food when I saw him.... Now when I go to put down the food, he actually follows me, which is something he never does.

I have a picture of Ricky. What's left is to get pictures of the other 2.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:04 am

(((((((((((( Crystal )))))))))))))

A firm believe that cats, dogs, animals in general know a caring person. Seems you have gotten the vote hon. :wink:


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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:48 am

Yesterday, I saw this interesting side of Ricky. It was pretty mean.... but maybe he was being territorial or maybe I have a very jealous kitty.

It's funny how if I make a kissing sound & he's nearby, he'll actually run a little bit, until he thinks he's a good enough distance away from the perceived threat.

Ricky hit Missy yesterday quite a few times.... Then, he ran her out of the yard & kept running her out of the yard. I felt pretty bad for her. He stopped the 1st time when I realized how bad it had gotten the 1st time.

Missy is persistent, though. I saw her last night when I pulled in the yard. She's been very poised, almost every time I see her.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:11 am

((((((((((((((((( Crystal )))))))))))))

Yes it is the territorial thing going on. In the Spring and Summer, when I can have my windows open, there is a neighbor's cat that will come and lay on my back deck. Ebony doesn't like it at all and makes enough noises that the cat will run off.

They consider your place their home and they will defend it. Tells me that Ricky has become attached to you, protecting you is something he will do now. You made a difference to him, WTG!


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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:32 pm

I have seen lots of deer lately where my friend lives (back up in the hill). One seems to like our yard as well & can usually be caught munching on the garden vegetables.

The day I caught it back there, it ran in bushes & started snorting like a bull.....
(I'd never heard the sound deer might make, so that was pretty interesting.)

There is also the iguana that gives the deer competition....

The wild fowl are same as always.

The dogs across the street really make a racket in the wee hours of the morning, just as the cats have been lately....

There is another strange cat in the yard, with eyes & a look that will wig you out if you see it.... (I always wonder why we get those....)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:54 pm

(((((((((((( Crystal ))))))))))))))))

They sense it being safe. Me, just still have my cat, Ebony. Trust me, that is enough.


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