Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

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Postby pablos » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:37 am


Way to go Girl!. The list of accomplishments is simply awesome! Wow! I wish I could get as much done as you did.

You are an inspiration!


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Postby Obayan » Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:31 pm

Same here! I only wish I could do as much! WTG!

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:38 pm

(((((((( Obayan & pablos ))))))))))) Thanks for the support! (Really a million thanks!)

I'm just tryin' a t'ing.... :lol:

Today was just two cabinets--the pantry and a 2-section cabinet: getting rid of what can be discarded and packing away some things off the floor.... (I can actually see more of the floor now.)

Inside was vacuumed, sprayed (with less toxic materials to keep the bugs out), then re-layered... Think of like wallpaper in a cabinet.... :lol:

The pantry isn't quite done yet, but it's been cleared out and what was expired or simply not good anymore was thrown out.

My Dad came up to help again.... I told him to take a break tomorrow.... ^_^ I'm glad I said that 'cause he would come and help again, but I think I can handle it tomorrow.

Help is always great, but sometimes you gotta know when to take a break too.

It's always amazing how much of a process cleaning is.... (or even anything in life for that matter)

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Postby Obayan » Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:43 pm

Quote [ sometimes you gotta know when to take a break ] Quote

I am trying.. :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Jul 20, 2010 8:58 am

Yesterday, I did

1. the backroom closet (sweep/mop/rearrange). It's telling on me a little today....

I was moving around storage bins (sorta heavy) and wiped off the dust. It wasn't my stuff....

2. some maintenance sweeping for part of the area I had already cleaned.

3. finished up the pantry with layering and spraying my less toxic anti-bug mixture into the cabinet. It's dry now, so I can repack the things in it....

4. finally packed away the dishes... :lol: I kept re-rinsing them, with all the housework I had been doing.

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Postby lisalou » Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:43 pm

I am proud to report that even though my depression has been bad,I have been on a bit of a clear-out mission over the last month or so and have taken loads of bags of clothes and books down to my local mental-health charity shop

The benefits are threefold
1) it's nice to feel i'm doing my bit for charity
2) it keeps me occupied and burns off some nervous energy
3) my home is slightly less of a dump and I feel a bit more organised and 'cleansed' for only having clothes that fit well and that i actually do wear

I even vacuumed a couple of days ago!!! this is really something for a girl who can barely shower most days. maybe crystalgaze is inspiring me across the miles..!

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Postby Obayan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:42 pm

Way to go lisalou!

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:31 pm

Yaayyy Lisa!! That's good to hear!! Woohoo! Keep it up, girl!! :D I'll try too!!

Let's see.... Today was...

1. basically rearranging a lot of stuff (which took a while)

The back room closet that had extra space now has some storage bins there. I am trying to organize things, so I make the most of my space.

2. washing out storage bins, wiping off covers, etc. etc.

The major accomplishment of the day is getting most of the stuff I had on the floor by the dining table UP (whether it was discarding, packing away some place else)... Now, there's only a teeny tiny bit on the floor by the table. I was just too beat to bother to do anymore.

I am hoping to clear off the dining table tomorrow or so... I really do want to clear it... (I would like to have a place to eat up here again!!) :lol: My Dad just sort of chuckled because he knows I have a thing for a clear table... (He has a thing for organized cabinets and there was this one drawer cabinet that he had been wanting to lighten up for years, which he finally did today. His expression was absolutely hilarious. :lol: )

By the way, I am close to finishing, but yet still so very far away from the goal. What I have left to organize is the living room and the kitchen. When the spot with the table is neat again, then it's off to clear up the floor by the bookshelves and empty my laundry bags of clean clothes that are on the couch. (Oh brother....) :roll:

What a task! It takes a lot of strategy.... Jeez!! I'm determined not to get anymore storage bins, but just make sure to use the space more wisely with what I already have.

Maybe I should consider interior decorating as a career.... :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:30 pm

Today.... I took a break, but I did a little of it just a while ago. There were expired things in the medicine cabinet, so into the trash they went.

The kitchen counter looks just a tad lighter, but there's still junk on it.... Well, everything in phases, right? I should be able to pick up a lot of it and just throw it into my toiletries bin or some other holder.

Perhaps the highlight of the day was clearing out this box of stuff that was lying around on the rug.... (I gave the box to my Dad, so he could use it for trash.)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:09 pm

((((((((((((((((((( crystalgaze )))))))))))))))))

Still waiting for you to clean mine, although right now is a bad time, with the work that is going on.


Love to ya


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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:27 pm

~lol~ Of course, I'd come over and help! I think it's better when you DON'T clean all by yourself.... (It can be such a bother that way!)

I cleared up a little bit this morning by the rug. Most of the stuff is gone. The table has my disassembled old tablet pc, covered up in pink anti-static bubble wrap.... Maybe I should call the color "red coral" or "kool-aid coral".... :lol:

Maybe tomorrow or so, I will try to tackle the [laundry bags in the] couches. Laundry is calling my name.... I wish I didn't have to answer.... Maintenance cleaning is also calling + the kitchen floor is just requesting my attention...

I'm *really* lucky these things aren't talking to me or something by now...
Them: "Clean me...."
Me: "Nooooo"


The oven is out of its spot because I was chasing a lizard out of the house at like 3 or 4 in the morning the other day.... Now tell me if that isn't original.... :lol:

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:31 pm

(((((((((((((((((( Crystal )))))))))))))))))))

I have a routine on my cleaning, but that is blown out of shape right now. Will get back to it yet.

You have to have one of the cleanest homes I know of. :)


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Postby Jaymn » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:14 pm

Is this a ladys thread/post? :oops: Idk but I got a lot of receipts and clothes to organize/put up. Today is a good day to do it. :)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:10 pm

(((((((((((( Jaymn )))))))))))))

This is an 'anyone's post/tread'. Join in, please.


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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:40 am

((((((((((Jaymn))))))))))) Yes, it is for everyone! It's always great when someone joins in on it!

There was something someone said a long time ago and I am finally going to use it. Let's call this my secret weapon....

It called "TOSS". My parents will leave soon (checkup n stuff), and I will go through what I can and simply discard some things, free up bins, etc.

What can't fit in my dresser I will toss.


My folks are pushing me and I really don't feel like being bothered. This way, we both end up happy and they can get off my back. Yes, I know it's hurricane season. Yes, I know it would be good for me to be more organized, but this pushing comes at the wrong time. Just yesterday I was sick. I didn't feel good last week (same as yesterday). In general now, I feel low energy. Some time ago, I did a good bit of back-breaking cleaning already. Because life is the way it is, there is more for me to do, and it never ends. I have been trying to fix a problem with the computer but I haven't been able to fix the problem yet.

I am beat and I don't want to do anymore right at the moment.

This is what led me to S a few years ago. It was push, push, push, PUSH, push, push, push, push till I wiped out, and I actually walked the straight path, did what I was supposed to do back then, and it STILL wasn't enough..... I can't take it anymore.

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