Shmuel the fool

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Posts: 93
Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:35 pm

Shmuel the fool

Postby shmuel » Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:01 am

A warm hello and thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful community.
So, I wanna tell you a short story about "Shmuel the fool"

Born on a displaced persons camp in England 1956, lucky that both his parents got through WWII.An extremely,uneventful and happy childhood...not a shining star at school he was much too stubborn to learn and always did those things that interested him.
This attitude was to be his life style.
Never settled in any particular job for more than a year or so...spent most of his time playing in rockbands and the occasional club act.
At around 30 met and married and a beautiful daughter, his wife dumped both of them after about 4 years.Being a single parent seemed to agree with him...started a clown act and various other projects to entertain kids... a great and extremly happy time.Music was still an important theme in his life and altough not performing so often he found something just as rewarding "teaching".Not a qualified teacher but a natural born sharer of knowledge.
Because of his attitude of only doing his own thing shmuel was slowly feeling the pain of lack of money.He was also getting older and slowly,ever so slowly but surely a dark cloud was creeping over him - anxiety.
The happy go lucky singing clown was becoming a melancholic/melodramatic minor slow blues singer.
And so there he sits today in his lonesome dark corner.Lonely,desolate and feeling helpless.
Of course he knows he can change the situation but somehow he is afraid.Afraid of what?No one knows.The only time you see him shine with life is on the stage or when teaching or sharing... but even that is not so often anymore.
Thats the situation as of today - just don`t feel in control of my life anymore.

OK thats my little profile... hope to see ya in the chat soon.
Last edited by shmuel on Fri Jan 18, 2008 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:25 am


Thank you so much for sharing with us. It is hard to have control with depression and anxiety, still you fight that battle.

What a wonderful man and father you are. Raising your daughter on your own wasn't an easy task, I am sure. Still you did it. Something you have earned your wings on.

Please join up in the chat room, lots of caring people there, with support. Will be looking forward to that.

Take care and thank you again for sharing with us.

Warmie/Jeanie13 8)

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Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:35 pm

shmuel today

Postby shmuel » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:50 pm

Hi again friends... been a member since 11 Jan 2008...feel humble and wanted... you guys and this little oasis is a an amazing place.
There are no words that could express how important this site and the chat room is to me... thanks to all who make this site what its is.
So Shmuel today...
well my daughter is 16 today... she has a big smile.. that makes me feel good and I have a smile too.
Depression and his/her friends are still are part of my life so nothing has really changed since I first said hello.. Its my life and I don`t look for cures or ways out... I`m doin Ok... teehee... And the peeps around me don`t know about my pain.... phew am I really so strong.
No of course not... thats where you guys come into it.
Hug you all so long till ya say OK.... thanks

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Postby Emotional_77 » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:56 pm

OK..Thanks.. lol.

Hi shmuel, that was a touching story. You raising your daughter by yourself must of been hard but you made it and you are still making it. Your daughter must be a lucky girl to have a father like you :)

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