My Story of Semi-Recovery (Non-Medication)

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Postby aim » Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:44 pm

I really have to give you so much credit, gaze. You are always finding ways to make yourself more comfortable! It is definitely and admirable quality!!! I will say though... when you can't sleep you do get more creative than you ever thought possible, huh? :-)

How are you, gaze? What's on your mind today?

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:24 pm

Hi there Amy! great big ~waves~ Hiiiiiiiii!!!! :lol:

I'm so-so. How are you feeling? I am sort of tired, but that's because I am pushing to clean up my space & organize. I am slowly, very very slowly trying to win my battle with cleaning..... It's a hard one because I don't really like to do it, but I don't like disorder either. ~lol~ So it's a bit of a tug of war.

I woke up feeling like, "Yeah, I can clean today. Yeah...." :lol: I'm trying to establish a routine, but I've been resistant.

Right now, I am a bit low on energy after moving some stuff around (sort of heavy) & going through some bags of things. ~lol~ My mind is doing a # on me. I want to sleep now that I have dismantled my bed. I wasn't tired before!!!! It's like I take great comfort in seeing my bed.... (I try not to sleep in the day because I don't want to develop a habit that will be hard to break when I try to start working....)

~lol~ Some of these problems I've been trying to solve for years (like about 10 years) & it's only now, I've figured them out. :lol: I'm just glad for the better late than never!

I think I'm like this now because depression has robbed me of enough already. If there is something I can do to make myself more comfortable (reasonable), why not? Depression might come back to kick me some time later, so I better enjoy myself now as much as I can, am willing & am able. There's just a lot better out there than suffering.

The human condition is in a sense suffering, but you know, why must every thing be about that? I don't like at all & I try to do something about it where I can.

Thought then action.... Thought then action & when I get tired, then sleep... :lol:

Take care Amy & whatever it is, YOU CAN DO IT! (WE ALL CAN!) whether it's in varying degrees or what!

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Postby aim » Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:40 pm

Hey Gaze... I have to tell you that many years ago, when I had my breakdown and my serious spell of clinical depression, I saw no hope, no way out. Then? When I finally did get out, I promised myself that I would never get that low again. I lived my life, went through many ups and downs, and I have to tell you that I never have gotten that low again. Even though, to be honest, there have been many things that have happened since then that are far worse than what put me in that state in the first place!

Sometimes my GAD and health anxiety get so bad that I can feel myself slipping, but I really do everything I can to pull myself out of it. I think anxiety will be with me for the rest of my life, unfortuantely, but I hope to God in heaven that I have beaten depression down forever and always.

I'm glad you are well... I'm fine, thanks. Life throws us many obstacles and things that are just plain NOT FAIR, but I'm beginning to realize that is not going to change... even if everything else in your life is going famously, that one thing will always be there to try and pull you down. I can't let it anymore. I am fighting that one thing with everything inside of me, and so far I think I'm winning!

Whoa. What a rant.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:33 pm

I am checking out some things now again.....

Well, right now I'm reading about "eating for your blood type".... I didn't know any thing about it before coming across it on a web site.

I also saw a book referenced some place called Rare Earths Forbidden Cures... It all sounds a little interesting.

I will continue reading....

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Postby aim » Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:46 pm

Hey... let me know how a person with O+ is supposed to eat... :-)

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Postby lisalou » Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:44 am

maybe O's should have Oranges, A's should have Apples and B's should have Bananas. I'm hoping i turn out to be a C personally...(CAKE!!!!)

sorry,feeling a bit silly! :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:31 am

Hi there aim! & lisa, too! ~lol~ Good to see some humor from ya Lisa! A good laugh is great! ... tIntro.htm

Where I heard about the blood typing thing is on that site... There are different charts there. Check it out! There are web site links at the bottom of the page in the references section.

~lol~ & if I recall right, I am O+ as well...

There are some links to some other stuff on there, especially at the right side of the page. I think it's worth a look.

Edit: I was surprised by the chart, to be honest.... when it even recommended types of exercise... I looked at it & a lot of it was me.... really shocking...

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Postby aim » Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:46 pm

Thanks for the link, gaze! I will definitely check that out when I have the time to do it!!

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:04 pm


I tried again with the vitamins + minerals.... & this time I think I might have a winner (something that seems to have worked for me).

I'm going to say that today was the sanest I've felt in a long time... I'm going to continue to see how I feel.

I don't know if the brand makes a difference... but I am trying out New Vision right now (Essential Mineral, Essential Vitamins, & sometime soon, Essential Fats... or I may just stick with the vitamins + minerals)....

I think they're "ionic" minerals + vitamins... (whatever that is) All I know is it saved me today from how horrible I felt. I might try more things from them, but I am not sure.... ... &catpage=9 (for more info)

There was something else.... but I canna remember right now....

The big deal about this particular set of vitamins + minerals is that I have been having a problem with my appetite for a long time... & I really don't know how but eating wasn't a problem for me after taking it... I even wanted vegetables... xD

Edit: Oh ya!!!! That's right.... I ditched my deodorant for baking soda... & amazingly, it works well....! Also, I tried something called a deodorant stone.... ... p#bod_deod

What's in that link is what I used... & amazingly, that also worked too... For me, it's less mess, but maybe I'll find a baking soda deodorant stone...

Reason for that little tidbit there is that almost no matter what I did, I would have high perspiration. I tried lots of stuff--Mitchum, Old spice, Degree, ArridXxtra dry, secret, dove, almay, addidas, etc.--& they would work temporarily & then my arm would be kicking & I would be wondering, "What is this!?" (whether I moved around a lot or I didn't) Also they were sort of hard on my skin too...

Okay... The other thing I did... was I ditched my bra for a few days as well... It has been said that bras increase the risk of breast cancer... I don't know what to think... but my body does like that I haven't been wearing the bra....

What I mean is... I've had this bump under my arm for a few days now & every time I wore a bra, it would like resurge to try to come back... The bump is like a nodule... It gets hard & can stay wherever it is for a LONG time (sometimes a month or more). I've gotten those on my face mostly...

Alright so...I had this thing lying around called detox synergy & I was reading that bras mess with your body detoxing itself, so i rubbed on a few drops of that under my arm in 1 of my favorite oils (plum kernel oil)...

& the bump like went down so quickly! In a matter of days.... It's nearly gone right now, but I had forgotten to take off my bra 1 night.... xD

Detox synergy (from is a blend of...let's see.... um... juniper berry, lemon, seaweed & fennel essential oils.... I've also used that on my face with my facial oil & it works wonders on acne. :D

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:28 am

Okay... An update: The New Vision Vitamins & Minerals also seem to have worked on my tongue! (I have had GEOGRAPHIC TONGUE FOR YEARS & I stuck out my tongue this morning while looking in the mirror & IT WAS GONE! FINALLY! After 11 LONG years... No more painful lesions on my tongue! I almost wonder if I'm dreaming....!)

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hi crystal

Postby xn728 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:02 am

glad to hear about this for you ,at least a little less pain of some sort ,hope you feel ok ,wishing you all the best ,keep searching ,,,,ken

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:40 am

((((((((((((((((((((((( crystalgaze ))))))))))))))))))))))))

Just a smile and a hello!


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Postby aim » Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:11 pm

Hello Friends! Gaze, good news about the tongue. I know how scary and painful things that happen to the body can be. Glad u found a solution to that problem!

((((((((forum friends))))))))

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:10 am

I didn't really know where to put this but one of my favorite things now is called a bandeau....

All right.... I don't think I put this down but as part of my recovery, I even ditched my bra for the most part....

~lol~ Yes... You heard that right.... but if I need to wear one, I wear a bandeau... It's a sort of strapless bra or fashion bra that can be worn by itself with designer type straps or whatever....

I've never worn it by itself. I'm not that brave yet & I don't have the abs for that yet.

The bandeau I bought has nothing to hook, no metal parts to mark my skin; you just pull it on & go.

I just thought I would share!

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:47 pm

There has been a soap that has been helping my face lately....

It's called Red Clay soap & this shop (Flint Creek Soap Company in New York, USA) makes it....

The sides of my face can be rough to the touch--almost no matter what I do, but that Red Clay soap has been helping out quite a bit....

Just figured I'd post about it....

Edit: More about the soap, apparently it's Rhassoul (sp?)Clay soap... It's some sort of Moroccan red clay soap.
Last edited by crystalgaze on Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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