
Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby Amc » Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:51 am

Hey all, this is my first time doing something like this.
First, I wanna say I'm kinda having a rough time at the moment and I am feeling pretty low.
I recently had my rapist sentenced in a trial that took way longer than it should have. With the sentencing, I've had a really hard time with my anxiety, PTSD, and depression flaring. I'm having one of my first appointments with a therapist in years in a couple of days but I dont know how much longer I can take the sleepless nights. I feel so conflicted, I mean I should be relieved that it's all over, shouldn't I? After 5 years it's over, and I'm sitting here dreading taking showers or going to bed. I wish I could call out of work or take time to adjust again, but I work in a fast paced environment that is short staffed enough as is and I would feel horrible leaving my coworkers to pick up the pieces. Any advice or coping mechanisms would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

Posts: 11
Joined: Sat May 06, 2023 1:55 pm

Re: Story

Postby DeeBear » Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:59 pm

Hi Amc,
Many years ago when I was in college I used to get sick every time I had a break between semesters and long holidays. I told one of my professors about it and she said that my system had adapted to the stress of college, and when that stress was taken away, my system couldn't cope. I'm not a doctor, but maybe something similar is happening with you. I still often feel worse when something stressful is over than I did when I was going through it, and the only thing that helps is to just take it easy and allow myself to adapt - I know, it's often easier said than done. I can't compare my experiences to the horrible things you've been through, but for me, it's normal to struggle after stressful events are over. I wish I had some great advice, but all I can think of to say is be kind to yourself and consider that maybe your feelings are normal. I hope you get through all this okay.

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