Feeling lost in life

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Feeling lost in life

Postby Chanel22 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:26 am

I don’t even know where to begin. I feel like I’m too young to be feeling how i do. Quarantine makes everything worse, I already isolate myself and now it gives me more of a reason. I feel like I’m never good enough and I think about ending things often. There are moments where I really get torn and go to the bathroom to cry without anyone knowing. I feel like I have no one here for me. I don’t talk to anyone about these things. I don’t feel comfortable telling my mom and my dad has nothing to do with my life. I tell my boyfriend sometimes but I don’t want to seem like I am manipulating anyone by telling them I am depressed and don’t want to be here anymore even though it is the truth. I don’t want them to think I want pity. It is a real feeling I have but happens to be shown more when someone does something that hurts me. I even started writing in my notes how I feel so worthless. I think people take it as a joke. I want to vanish and don’t want anyone to hear from me again. I’m tired of people acting like they care but causing pain to me when I already have anxiety. This is the only place I feel safe to talk about it

jessica james
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Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:46 pm

Re: Feeling lost in life

Postby jessica james » Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:24 pm

Hey Honey! I'm sorry for what you're going through. This is so similar. I had been through such a situation. I used to tell people that I am depressed but it was of no use until one day I burst up. I was sick and tired of life. I had no clear vision of life and my depression was of anonymous reason. Telling your parents about how you feel is just so useless. They won't actually understand what you're going through each day. Thats how depression is. Loneliness and solitude. I used to feel alone and unhappy even in crowds or at gatherings. People are busy enough to notice. What helped me was a friend, I was so attached to. I contact him like after 5 years. I felt good talking to him. I uttered my heart out. He was a medium to my recovery. Gave me motivation and hope for good days. We still are friends. But got a lil busy in lives. I would suggest you make new friends. Step out of your coccoon and look for positivity around you. This phase is temporary and will pass soon. Just be patient. Loads of love.

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