How do I bring up depression to my Dr.?

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How do I bring up depression to my Dr.?

Postby MistyInquisitor » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:18 pm

Hi I'm Misty. I have been struggling with depression for about 15 years. I started receiving treatment 8 years ago but stopped after a few months because my parents couldn't afford it. Since then I have been trying to just deal with it, hoping it would go away. More recently I tried therapy, which didn't help as much as I had hoped. I even tried meditating which worked until I lost interest. I also think I have anxiety, though I haven't been diagnosed with it yet. I applied for health insurance a year ago and only a month ago I built up the courage to schedule my first doctor's appointment in years (I had to because I hit my head really hard and turned out to have a mild concussion). I'm not sure if it's a result of the concussion, but I feel like my depression has gotten worse. I should have finished my tech school classes by now, but I haven't even called my school yet to see if I can pick up where I left off. I have also been avoiding calls from my parents because I'm afraid to tell them I'm not in school and unemployed, and ignoring them is easier than making up a lie. I am afraid to go out and look for a job right now because I don't feel ready to deal with people and have interactions with customers where I pretend I'm happy and normal when I'm not. It's like my life is going down the toilet but my mind is not letting me take the initiative to get out of this. I have been through phases like this, but every time I try to pick myself up, I eventually slow down and give up again. I have a follow-up appointment in a week and I think I should tell my doctor to see if I can get back on medication, but I'm afraid to tell him. I don't even know how to bring it up. I feel like he won't believe me. I don't want him to recommend therapy because I know it hasn't worked for me. I really regret taking this long to do something but I feel like if I don't act now, I might end up somewhere much much worse. I just want to stop feeling this way so that I can function normally, get my tech license, and get a job to support myself. I just want to feel normal and live a normal life.

Chuck Wood
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Re: How do I bring up depression to my Dr.?

Postby Chuck Wood » Thu Oct 22, 2020 4:09 pm

As for what you mentioned toward the bottom, no life is "normal". There are only more or less preferable "lives". Telling your Dr about your pains (depression, anxiety....) should be something to do. Dr.s are only as good as the information they have. If he suggests therapy, your very, very in the right to say what treatment you don't want. Laws were even created so a patient can prevent unwanted treatment. So you have the power for what you want, or don't want.

Hope you find your way to the "yellow brick road".

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Joined: Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:27 pm

Re: How do I bring up depression to my Dr.?

Postby smarium » Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:43 pm

hey misty! first off I wanna say it is never too late to ask for help or try something new to help your depression, you should be super proud go yourself for making that appointment even if it was for something else. One thing that helps me when I go the doctor is to mention why I'm going when I make the appointment, like when you are on the phone and they ask why you are coming in just be like "depression and mental health related stuff", then they put it in the notes and the dr will see it and bring it up, helps to make sure you don't forget or get embarrassed. but as far as when you go to the doctor, making a list or notes to read from is great. I always get embarrassed or even just forget things, so having that list to reference is great, even just like a journal entry to read. the most important thing is to be honest, I feel the same way I don't want them to think I am faking it or lying, so say that, express your concerns and doubts. and remember, they see so many people, and depression and anxiety is super common, you are not the first and not the last patient they have that comes in with concerns about mental health. I hope this helps, its just from my experience, good luck with everything :)

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