Please help. I need help with my girlfriend.

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Please help. I need help with my girlfriend.

Postby BrokenPen » Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:40 pm

For a long time now, my girlfriend has been suffering from depression or perhaps bipolar and now things have gotten to the point that now that she has a plan to end her life. Her plan involves basically going to Belgium and going through medical euthanasia. Unfortunately despite everything I've done, nothing is working. I've tried to get her to seek help but she refuses to. What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO!?

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Re: Please help. I need help with my girlfriend.

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:09 pm

You have to stress the point that her life is important and has value. She has you for example.

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Re: Please help. I need help with my girlfriend.

Postby useranonymous » Sun Aug 23, 2020 11:56 am

I really feel for you, this is a difficult situation to be in as you clearly love her very much. You say you have done everything you can to help her, but in a relationship it should not just be one person working at it. I'm married, I know this. I have never had bipolar tendencies but I have had lots of extremely low days in the past. After a long time of wailing in my own self pity my husband told me he cannot help me if I'm not willing to help myself. He is so bang on with that. What I'm saying is if she really loves you she should not be threatening to end her life and should not just give up. If she cares about you truly she will work on her issues. I'm pretty sure if I never worked on mine me and my husband would not be married anymore. Have you spoken to her about how it makes you feel, as I imagine it makes you feel helpless and heartbroken. Maybe even a bit frustrated. Also have you tried suggesting couples counselling? This is not me saying you have done anything wrong but she may find it easier if you are there with her. Having the third person there to listen and understand really helps. I hate to admit it but I had an abortion 5 years ago, I was 8 weeks and felt forced into it even though it was not the right time. I put my husvand through hell, resented him and hated his guts. We went to couples counselling and he finally understood my heartbreak. Couples counselling helps both people to get things off their chest in a controlled environment. Anyway going back to my depression in the past 3 to 4 years after the abortion and after having our first child, in the end my husband gave me the harsh, realistic talking to basically saying pack it in and sort yourself out if I care about him as I'd complained for too long without doing anything to deal with the issues. That was the best thing he could if ever done. I didn't want to lose him. Don't be taken for an emotional ride or a fool

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Re: Please help. I need help with my girlfriend.

Postby Pumkinpies » Sat Jun 11, 2022 7:24 pm

Maybe try therapy.

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