NYE again...

Everyday life. How was your day?

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NYE again...

Postby Eddie227 » Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:41 pm

Usually I look forward to New Years parties, I really love the party and concert scene and I finally get to see my friend's punk band play tonight. The only thing that's keeping me from exploding from excitement is that this is the first year I've been in a relationship around the holidays and it's also the first night my new boyfriend is going to stay the night. I've had some unsavory experiences from other dudes staying over and not respecting boundaries, so I'm just hoping nothing bad happens when my bf is over. If is were up to me he wouldn't be spending the night tonight but he lives about an hour away and neither of us have a car so I don't want to make him deal with midnight public transport after I invited him somewhere.

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Re: NYE again...

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:25 pm

New years eve is fantastic for me because i use the day to reflect on the old year and see what i can work on in the new.

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