
For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:31 am

I used to be terribly afraid of mirrors/apartment reflective glass doors.... It had a bit of a supernatural basis....

To this day, I still have no idea what it is that used to spook me about mirrors exactly. Yet, I could often swear there was something in the mirror (other than myself) staring back at me.

It's that or sometimes I felt like there was something attached to me that I didn't seem to be able to get rid of, no matter what I tried (best descriptor is a shadow waiting to gobble me up).

Sometimes, it manifested itself in my dreams & wherever it was, there would be no good happening. My premonition would kick in & I would be careful to pay close attention to every thing. The odd part is usually something beyond my control happened & the stuff in my dream would become true--if not now, then some time in the near future.

That was some scary stuff. It eventually stopped, but I really hope I don't get that again. I'm not sure how I would survive it. Mirrors haven't bothered me for a while, but when it was really bad, I took down the mirror in my bathroom. I also had mirrors on my closet doors, which got taken out because it cracked, so I was lucky in that case. One day I woke up, looked at it, & was cracked....

Well, I'm done here before I get spooked again! Courage is sure hard some days. I also did put back up the mirror in the bathroom.

Edit: About the apartment reflective glass doors.... I used to live for a short while in an apartment on the 7th floor when I was in Washington DC a few years back.... It used to work on my nerves so bad.... The door was always kept closed + locked & the apartment building was near a highway/interstate....

A few times, it was as though I used to feel something (non-physical, like a shadow or spirit or something in the glass) calling me in the direction of the glass door. Whatever it was would call me & I remember one time I looked out the glass but through the door 'cause it was locked, & it looked like I could walk straight across.... Every thing was as though they were in a line with the balcony porch & I would be able to walk straight across to whatever it was that was calling me.

I would have to literally shout for whatever it was to leave me alone. It was truly frightening. The problem with the line that was akin to an invisible road or road that even might have looked real to me was that I would have certiainly dropped to my death or had a very bad accident had whatever it was been successful in calling me.

Several times I was inclined to walk the road; I mean if I could have made it across, I believe I would have seen a beautiful sight.... but I knew something was wrong when the road was near the tops of the trees. That's when it really registered to me that something was wrong with what was presented to me.

I wasn't suicidal when that happened. I was usually fully awake when this stuff would start happening. All I could think it to be is a serious hallucination.... I don't know, but there was never any thing I was seeing. I can't even describe what was calling me.... As much as I call the line a road I saw no actual road..... Absolute weirdness....

To this day, I can't tell you what that was. Thankfully, all of that stopped. I hope that doesn't return.

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hi there

Postby xn728 » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:09 pm

hey crystal ,powerful stuff ,a little like myself ,but it good to know that the stuff whats going on ,we understand and its not making us to crazy
xn728 its quiet today on the forum ,mind u i keep forgeting the time differance ,,,,,,,,

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:00 am

The mirrors don't bother me too much now, BUT I still WOULD NOT want mirrors on my closet doors. The bathroom & mirrored closet doors in a room I am not in a lot are enough.

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Postby alison » Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:21 pm

:shock: I cant believe how similar your experiances are to my own.

Though I havent actually taken down my bathroom mirror I often leave the door to the medison cabinet open so the mirror faces the wall as aposed to me. Ontop of this my dreams have been known to dipict future realities ocassionally. Even the experiance you described at the end seems close to home . I wonder what the connection betwen it all is . #twinsies

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Re: Mirrors

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:46 am

crystalgaze wrote:I used to be terribly afraid of mirrors/apartment reflective glass doors.... It had a bit of a supernatural basis....

To this day, I still have no idea what it is that used to spook me about mirrors exactly. Yet, I could often swear there was something in the mirror (other than myself) staring back at me.

It's that or sometimes I felt like there was something attached to me that I didn't seem to be able to get rid of, no matter what I tried (best descriptor is a shadow waiting to gobble me up).

Sometimes, it manifested itself in my dreams & wherever it was, there would be no good happening. My premonition would kick in & I would be careful to pay close attention to every thing. The odd part is usually something beyond my control happened & the stuff in my dream would become true--if not now, then some time in the near future.

That was some scary stuff. It eventually stopped, but I really hope I don't get that again. I'm not sure how I would survive it. Mirrors haven't bothered me for a while, but when it was really bad, I took down the mirror in my bathroom. I also had mirrors on my closet doors, which got taken out because it cracked, so I was lucky in that case. One day I woke up, looked at it, & was cracked....

Well, I'm done here before I get spooked again! Courage is sure hard some days. I also did put back up the mirror in the bathroom.

Edit: About the apartment reflective glass doors.... I used to live for a short while in an apartment on the 7th floor when I was in Washington DC a few years back.... It used to work on my nerves so bad.... The door was always kept closed + locked & the apartment building was near a highway/interstate....

A few times, it was as though I used to feel something (non-physical, like a shadow or spirit or something in the glass) calling me in the direction of the glass door. Whatever it was would call me & I remember one time I looked out the glass but through the door 'cause it was locked, & it looked like I could walk straight across.... Every thing was as though they were in a line with the balcony porch & I would be able to walk straight across to whatever it was that was calling me.

I would have to literally shout for whatever it was to leave me alone. It was truly frightening. The problem with the line that was akin to an invisible road or road that even might have looked real to me was that I would have certiainly dropped to my death or had a very bad accident had whatever it was been successful in calling me.

Several times I was inclined to walk the road; I mean if I could have made it across, I believe I would have seen a beautiful sight.... but I knew something was wrong when the road was near the tops of the trees. That's when it really registered to me that something was wrong with what was presented to me.

I wasn't suicidal when that happened. I was usually fully awake when this stuff would start happening. All I could think it to be is a serious hallucination.... I don't know, but there was never any thing I was seeing. I can't even describe what was calling me.... As much as I call the line a road I saw no actual road..... Absolute weirdness....

To this day, I can't tell you what that was. Thankfully, all of that stopped. I hope that doesn't return.

Hallucinations are rare, there are alot of mentally ill people that do not hallucinate. Spiritual attacks are also extremely rare. As most things terrible they pass. The best thing to do is invest in spirituality, well at least that is how i and other people have overcome the issue but its highly unlikely it will return. The only things mirrors generate is reflections and nothing else. Remember that, and keep it in mind.

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