abilify and weight

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abilify and weight

Postby intheprocess » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:21 pm

My doctor increased my dosage from five to ten milligrams. I am concerned that I will blow up like a balloon as someone told me happened to her friend. Does anyone agree or disagree about abilify and weight gain?

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Postby annaJo » Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:51 pm

My doctor has increased my dosage of Abilify from 2mg to 4mg recently and I have gained 10 pounds this past month. One of the side effects is weight gain. My doctor said that would only happen on higher dosages, but its happening on 4mg. I hate to stop the med cause its really helping me. The benefits outweigh the risks, unfortunately.

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:27 am

Hello intheprocess,
Yes, with Abilify comes the high probability of weight gain. A number of months ago, this medication was prescribed to me. I was told that it could cause an increase in appetite because the brain would lack in the area that controls hunger. Although I cannot recall verbatim how this was explained to me, it meant that the brain's proper response to eating would be compromised. When we eat a well balanced meal, our brain tells us we're full. We're satisfied. But, when that mechanism in the brain doesn't recognize this, we will feel the urge to eat again way too soon...

I had to be discontinued from this medication, as my hunger felt insatiable at times. I felt like I could eat myself out of house and home!
And when through with that, I'd probably be gnawing my way through the cement stairs of my front porch. Ugh...Aside, from the humor I would suggest googling about Abilify related hunger/weight gain.

Best of luck to you!

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Postby intheprocess » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:07 am

Thanks very much! I had no idea what was going on in the brain. Thanks for the info.

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Re: abilify and weight

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:38 pm

intheprocess wrote:My doctor increased my dosage from five to ten milligrams. I am concerned that I will blow up like a balloon as someone told me happened to her friend. Does anyone agree or disagree about abilify and weight gain?

Most mental health drugs (psychosis, depression, etc cause weight gain. You are bound to put on weight taking these types of drugs. Over time, your body may get used to it and then set a limit on how much weight you gain from taking the meds. It will become fixed. You wont keep on gaining weight. For example, you can start out as 12 stone, then you take the prescriptions from your doctor and then after 3 month put on a stone and then become 13 stone. In most cases You will not put on more weight then the 1 stone. You will stay at 13 stone. That is from my own experiences and the experiences from people i know and have seen. You can curb that problem by eating right and working out and doing alot of cardio work on your body. As you get older it becomes harder to lose weight naturally.

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