I'm so sad

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I'm so sad

Postby Franksnotok » Wed Apr 29, 2020 4:50 am

I'm so lonely, I want somone to love Express love to build up anything. I just want somone to hug. I've tried I'm so bad at it. All I want is somone to hold. I'm a mess a dirty mess. I can understand why nobody wants me though, who wants to be together with a depressed socially akward guy who has lost himself to the world. I just dont understand it, well I do its because my personality isn't good. I dont know how to fix it though. Like how are you supposed to fix your inner self. I couldn't ask out a girl if my freaking life depended on it. Well that's a lie, its just that if I do, the rejection will send me spiraling into an even deeper depression. I dont even know if that's possible. I'm not even in a bad financial situation I'm In shape. But I hate myself. I hate everything about myself, I'm always finding new ways to disappoint myself. I can't take it. It's just seems like life is an endless loop of let downs. Everybody makes fun of me because I'm a virgin, their like you look good why haven't you gotten laid. I'll say some bs like I'm waiting for it to be special. In reality Its because my personality is like a repellant to anybody looking. That's all I hope somone reads this but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. Bye

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Re: I'm so sad

Postby angelo1936 » Sun May 10, 2020 6:40 pm

hi Frank,
its easy to just see the negatives in life, and point out your flaws, but maybe try and listen to your friends, because they obviously see something in you that you don't ! i myself focus on the negatives in life and constantly think about what others will think of me, however, i have found a small technique to help slightly. every morning, before you leave the house, look at yourself in the mirror, and list 5 things you like about yourself, and do NOT allow yourself to think about anything else. positive affirmations are really simple to do, but can really help :D

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Re: I'm so sad

Postby MarissaAnne » Mon May 11, 2020 1:43 am

Hey, I know you don’t know me but I can understand where you are coming from. I think the best thing you can do for you is to just love yourself. Give yourself time to find the right person to love and don’t force yourself to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. You will eventually find someone. Don’t beat yourself up. Think positive and maybe see a counselor for the personal struggles you are going through. Make some new friends, spend time with your family. There is nothing wrong with being a virgin. I wish I had waited until marriage. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

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Re: I'm so sad

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:43 am

Franksnotok wrote:I'm so lonely, I want somone to love Express love to build up anything. I just want somone to hug. I've tried I'm so bad at it. All I want is somone to hold. I'm a mess a dirty mess. I can understand why nobody wants me though, who wants to be together with a depressed socially akward guy who has lost himself to the world. I just dont understand it, well I do its because my personality isn't good. I dont know how to fix it though. Like how are you supposed to fix your inner self. I couldn't ask out a girl if my freaking life depended on it. Well that's a lie, its just that if I do, the rejection will send me spiraling into an even deeper depression. I dont even know if that's possible. I'm not even in a bad financial situation I'm In shape. But I hate myself. I hate everything about myself, I'm always finding new ways to disappoint myself. I can't take it. It's just seems like life is an endless loop of let downs. Everybody makes fun of me because I'm a virgin, their like you look good why haven't you gotten laid. I'll say some bs like I'm waiting for it to be special. In reality Its because my personality is like a repellant to anybody looking. That's all I hope somone reads this but I wouldn't blame them if they didn't. Bye

I think you should think different everybody deserves love. I sure you can get a partner. If you are struggling to get a partner then start off making friends with different women and then take it from there. You could also try online dating sites. That way you have even more chance of success and you can build up your confidence as you communicate with the women. Good luck. Remember there is someone out there for everyone.

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