over it

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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over it

Postby massiveblackhole » Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:03 pm

I'm so sick of people telling me i shouldn't be depressed cos nothing "bad" has happened to me. Depression isn't just a temporary thing that happens after you lose your job or break up with your gf/bf. Its a deep existential pain I've had since an early teenager. It's there all the time to varying degrees and doing something enjoyable doesn't just make it go away.

Like a counsellor told me to just do something i like. that's only a temporary reprieve though. it does nothing to relieve the deep gnawing black hole inside of me. the feeling of I'm so over this, I'm so over going to work, doing chores, paying bills, living life. sometimes i feel like ending it all just to stop feeling like this.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

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Re: over it

Postby Spleefy » Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:48 am


Yes, I felt this way for over ten years. It is such a dreadful feeling. At times there seems to be no relief to the emotional pain. The emptiness is never truly filled. Thinking about depression never seemed to end. It was so exhausting, emotionally and physically. I, too, was over living that way. Something definitely needed to change.

I found doing something enjoyable didn’t make the depression disappear, but it helped significantly. It kept me focus on something other than the depression. It wasn’t meant to be a cure, but rather one way to cope with depression.

I do understand the emotional pain and black hole.

I hope you find a way to overcome depression.

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Joined: Thu May 09, 2019 7:50 pm

Re: over it

Postby derkderk » Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:18 am

Since young teens I was hearing people say don't be sad, nothings wrong, just get over it, among other variations. I eventually separated myself from the people who don't want to or haven't the desire to understand what depression actually is. I'm much older now and my condition is very serious. Many times I'm hanging on by a thread. Depression is not a fictional concept. It is as real as hunger making people want to eat. Yes we can hold off our eating and stay hungry, but if the hunger isn't treated you could die.

I currently am alive because I couldn't be OK with the pain felt by loved ones around me if I were to kill myself. Knowing dying is not an option for me, I rotate interests and activities to try and distract myself the best I can.

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