I feel so pressured

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I feel so pressured

Postby justsomeone » Sat Jan 05, 2019 12:35 pm

So many things are happening in my life currently and I just feel so overwhelmed.
A bunch of exams in school, I can't find a weekend job and also if deadly afraid of job interviews because of my social anxiety but I just want to make some money. I feel like I'm wasting my time/life. I'm also trying to get fitter, gain a little muscle but I used to suffer from an eating disorder and now that my body is changing I feel so much fear and I'm so anxious all the time. I can't even sleep.

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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby JackieJ » Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:07 pm

I'm so sorry that you are feeling overwhelmed. It does sound like you have a lot going on, but it also sounds like you are doing some wonderful things and making wonderful changes. Bravo to you for trying to get fitter. It may be challenging to do those job interviews, but I encourage you to accept the reality that this is what you will need to do in order to secure a job. Have you considered doing mock interviews with a friend so that you can get some practice in? Take one day at a time and plan our your day, so that you are getting some things done. Be sure to leave time in your day to just be still. I pray that your examines will go well and that you will get a job that is perfect for your skills, ability, and talent. Help me understand why you feel like you are wasting your time or life. It seems like you are doing exactly what life is about... growing, changing, developing, and purpose.

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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby Jtw » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:02 am

I sympathise. I'm a teacher and I know first hand how stressful this time of your life can be. Exams aren't a good way of measuring your worth, your potential for future success or your understanding of the subject. They should have be done away with years ago!
But they're not, so get through them. Just remember, when you look back on them, they really won't matter half as much as they feel like they do now.
Ignore your social disorder. You're meant to feel awkward when you're young, it's a part of growing up. Face it head on and learn from it. I'm an extremely shy and introverted person, by nature. I pushed myself, now I can stand in front of 2000 people and deliver a speech without a single flush of nerves. Every time you push yourself, it gets a little easier next time.
I have a body image disorder. I can't look at pictures of myself, or even myself in a mirror. I actively believe I'm too fat and too thin at the same time. For a long time I avoided going out because I didn't think it was fair that other people should have to look at me.
I realised this was all silly, and self-destructive. It then mostly went away.
You're overwhelmed. Just take each day at a time and work on doing one thing, instead of trying to do it all. You can't, so work on what you can do. Draw up a plan, create a schedule and stick to it.
Just remember, this is all temporary. You can change every single one of those things and you will. It won't be today, or tomorrow but you will fix it.

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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby Sadinatura » Mon Mar 04, 2019 6:45 pm

:| that must suck I'm sorry

Regina Quirion
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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby Regina Quirion » Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:31 am

It’s sad to know that you’re going through this. I think you just need an escape. Do you have a pet? I am asking this because animals have a very comforting vibe. So it can help you in getting a stable mental space. Naturally, when you spend time with your pet, it will make you feel less lonely and more happy. Sometimes it happens that people are stressed with human interactions. Maybe that’s happening with you and making you depressed. So, for a change get an animal for yourself and see how it works for you.

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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby Spleefy » Tue Jul 30, 2019 11:48 am

Hi justsomeone,

Try to take one day at a time. As it says in Matthew 6:34:

“So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles.”

I find that the application of this wisdom in my own life relieves any anxieties or troubles as they arise.

Another thing that many of us have the habit of doing is to OVERthink things.

Perhaps take a step back and just do things in more manageable chunks. For example, focus on your exams right now and just try to get through that. While you are doing that, set aside some time to exercise daily. Focus on eating nutritious meals. The nutrients will help you to cope better, too, because it will give your body what it needs to keep the mind and body healthy.

As for work… just take deep breaths. It is only a job. The interview is really nothing to stress about. It is just dude that asks you a few questions to see if you will be suitable for the job in question. That’s it! It is nothing complicated. You will either get the job or not. If not, plenty more jobs around that you will find.

I know it is hard with anxiety. I used to have so much anxiety to the point I couldn’t even step outside the house, let alone go the letterbox. I’m not joking!

The key is to not OVERthink.

And I’m not sure if I would say that you are wasting your time and your life. Try not to catastrophize—that is, view the situation worse than what it really is. I had a habit of doing that when I had depression and anxiety, too.

You will be okay, justsomeone. Take deep breaths. Take one day at a time. And do things in manageable chunks so as to not overwhelm yourself.

Take care, my friend.

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Re: I feel so pressured

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:20 pm

justsomeone wrote:So many things are happening in my life currently and I just feel so overwhelmed.
A bunch of exams in school, I can't find a weekend job and also if deadly afraid of job interviews because of my social anxiety but I just want to make some money. I feel like I'm wasting my time/life. I'm also trying to get fitter, gain a little muscle but I used to suffer from an eating disorder and now that my body is changing I feel so much fear and I'm so anxious all the time. I can't even sleep.

You are making some good changes like trying to get some muscle and trying to get a job. Fight the negative thoughts. They are impeding you from doing what you want and need to do. Be confident and believe in the power you have as a human being.

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