Well, I'll give this a go.

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Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby RagingCalm » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:09 pm

Hello, I am RagingCalm from Pennsylvania. I'm 39 and about to turn 40 and figured it's high time I did something with how I feel.

I found this forum after coming to realize that I may have a concerning case of depression that has lasted for a long while now. I'm not terribly good at expressing myself but I think my depression, cluelessness, self-hate, pessimism, and negativity is affecting my life such that I'm having trouble with relationships, finding and keeping friends, and maintaining a healthful social life. So far, it doesn't seem to be affecting my ability to stay employed since I'm going on 7 years with my current job. The weird thing is that I used to be a happy, little kid according to my parents. So, that being said, how's everyone doing?

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby RustyTavern » Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:54 pm

You're trying to be happy? The purpose of Life is to be happy?

Maybe the purpose of life is to struggle;
to deal with tragedy
to deal with Hell

So there is no longer a need to feel short changed simply because you're not feeling happy.

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby CamGirl » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:04 am

RagingCalm wrote:Hello, I am RagingCalm from Pennsylvania. I'm 39 and about to turn 40 and figured it's high time I did something with how I feel.

I found this forum after coming to realize that I may have a concerning case of depression that has lasted for a long while now. I'm not terribly good at expressing myself but I think my depression, cluelessness, self-hate, pessimism, and negativity is affecting my life such that I'm having trouble with relationships, finding and keeping friends, and maintaining a healthful social life. So far, it doesn't seem to be affecting my ability to stay employed since I'm going on 7 years with my current job. The weird thing is that I used to be a happy, little kid according to my parents. So, that being said, how's everyone doing?

I'm doing fine. But I have a friend, with quite same case as yours. We used to refer to him as the life of the party until he suddenly changed into this sulky, withdrawn guy. We thought it was that he matured, but nah, it turned out he had depression. So we encouraged him to join us in our adventures (hiking, surfing, wakeboarding) for him to not just bury himself in sadness. This way we hope he find himself again.

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby KimmyO » Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:37 pm

Hello Raging calm, so glad you found us. Hope you find much help and encouragement here! It sounds like you had a pretty good childhood, at least according to your mom. Do you remember it being good? If so, it is very possible that this depression is either chemical imbalance or hormonal imbalance. It could also be sadness w where you are in life right now, are you satisfied thru your work and life? If not how could you change it? Change is always possible and many times good. Even just adding to your life with classes or new adventures/learning or challenges. If it is chemical imbalance taking magnesium malate and ginseng help a lot! They calm the mind body and spirit and get rid of those sticky negative thoughts that loop around in our heads. If it is hormonal imbalance, progesterone cream or oil help a lot! It is better than estrogen. It becomes either estrogen or testosterone in your body depending on what you need, so it is more balancing than just estrogen. I use it all the time, actually I use all of these things, as needed. Hope they help you too! <3

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby lostat30s » Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:38 am

RagingCalm wrote:Hello, I am RagingCalm from Pennsylvania. I'm 39 and about to turn 40 and figured it's high time I did something with how I feel.

I found this forum after coming to realize that I may have a concerning case of depression that has lasted for a long while now. I'm not terribly good at expressing myself but I think my depression, cluelessness, self-hate, pessimism, and negativity is affecting my life such that I'm having trouble with relationships, finding and keeping friends, and maintaining a healthful social life. So far, it doesn't seem to be affecting my ability to stay employed since I'm going on 7 years with my current job. The weird thing is that I used to be a happy, little kid according to my parents. So, that being said, how's everyone doing?

hi, i'm 31 and it's been less than a year since i know i'm depressed. i don't know how long can i survive. i feel lonely and just want to my life to end soon.

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby lostat30s » Thu Aug 23, 2018 4:42 am

RustyTavern wrote:You're trying to be happy? The purpose of Life is to be happy?

Maybe the purpose of life is to struggle;
to deal with tragedy
to deal with Hell

So there is no longer a need to feel short changed simply because you're not feeling happy.

hi RustyTavern,
maybe i should try your idea.

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Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:15 pm

Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby RustyTavern » Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:20 pm

definitely works

but that doesnt mean you might not other issues that will muck your whole life up, for instance, take me: I've loist all my handful of girlfriends and will now have to use escorts

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Re: Well, I'll give this a go.

Postby Hayles » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:32 pm

I feel quite similar I am able to keep my job and get by OK at work but it's the rest of my life that's a mess, I just can't seem to be happy either. I feel like it's affecting relationships with the closest people to me. Had what should have been a lovely day out with family and I manage to spoil it have arguments probably caused my me overreacting to nothing and my mood which changed for no reason and now I'm home alone feeling like a horrible person. I just don't know how to break this cycle

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