Send me an Angel

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Send me an Angel

Postby JDH » Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:25 am

I'm a 60 yr old male who is about to become unemployed again after this week. I worked in the Health Insurance industry for many years before being laid off 5 years ago. Since then I've worked a variety of temp and part time jobs including retail and courier work but I haven't been able to come close to getting back to where I was before the lay-off. The pt job I'm currently working at will run out after this week and I don't know what happens then. I've sent out countless resumes and filled out applications but rarely get any response. Thankfully my wife has a good job so at least there's that but I need to contribute as well. After 5 years of almost constant job searching I guess I've finally come to the conclusion that I've been defeated. I used to try to be a positive person who didn't let much bother me but the longer this goes on the darker it seems to get.

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Re: Send me an Angel

Postby seekingpurpose2018 » Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:57 pm

I hope and pray you land the employment you need soon.
I may not be an angel, but I want to be a friend to all those who has unique all be it similar circumstances that bringing them down.
Thank God you have support from your wife. That is an un-measurable asset.

The employment economy is so unrecognizable these days, I have been encourage to suck up my anxiety and depression and remain grossly
underemployed (held back from advancement), modestly underpaid (salary almost pays the bills) and remain committed and productive in a toxic, low-morale, troubled department / company. 40 and single, does not afford me much for support and resources, but there we have it, our similar fuel for depression. Not knowing how to support basic needs when put in the most subjective of situations drives anyone to sadness. When your good intentions and efforts are not rewarded again and again, one only has to question yourself.
But I think that is the awkward flaw. Its not you. Its not me. Its the state of what is and perhaps to come. Doesn't help to get what you want, but I think it is closer than the truth of being resolved of "unmarketable" or "undesired". Let's face, those thought creep in every employment or position rejection we can get.

However, tooling up for breakthrough of the unknown, I think we are both relatively stubborn, tenacious in fact, to keep trying and trying again. And so every thought that says, "What is going on? Why am I not getting what I want / need? What is it that is holding me back?"
For you, your tenacity HAS to pay off. For me, giving in to mediocrity makes no sense, even if it relieves some depression triggers for a time.
Looking at fear of the time it takes to go through the unknown, should be the first step to keep trying.
Because, In time, the circumstance will change. Why? It has too for all reason and sanity sake.
In time, what either of us seek has to be obtained. Why? Because there is nothing wrong with what we seek.
Not giving in to the fear of time and the worry of the unanswered unknown should build determination and hopefully relieve some of the depression and tension.

At least, that is what I am looking forward to. All the best :)

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