Feeling really helpless

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Feeling really helpless

Postby VeeEve » Fri Feb 24, 2017 12:05 am


I was diagnosed with depression as a junior in HS. I've been in an emotionally abusive relationship for 6 years, I'm now 22, and the guy I couldn't let go of is now not speaking to me. I suppose it's for the better, but I feel so lost and alone, as he was my only real emotional connection in the world. It doesn't help that I just started nursing school, and have not been able to make my bills due to my cut back in hours at work. I've resorted to using credit cards, but the bills compiled so fast and I now have even more debt. My mother is also struggling, and her issues on top of everything else just feels too much to handle. I know it all sounds really trivial, but every day I fight the urge not to just lay in bed and cry. I struggle to wake up, and I fake my personality to everyone in my life. There's no one I feel a true connection with, and it's just getting to the point where I wouldn't mind if I went to sleep and never woke up. I don't know what to do. And I feel like nothing is going to get better. I guess I'm just looking for someone to listen.

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby TheErickDaniel » Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:57 am

Tell me what's going on, I coach specifically for people who want to move past these things +1 714-886-6581

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby bellabuck » Fri Feb 24, 2017 11:18 am

It sounds like you're lacking in the hope department but I really believe that everybody has something in which they can find hope. Why did you choose nursing? I'm guessing because you wanted to help people. For me, as I'm now in my 10th month without a job, I find my hope in God and his faithfulness. Sounds a little bit crazy, doesn't it, when I don't have a job and yet find God faithful, but I do. And he is. I've dealt with depression on and off during my lifetime and I haven't always run to him, but this time I did, and he's helped me through some pretty tough days. But I've also used a counselor, someone who I could talk to about anything and just helped me reason through some tough issues. I can't say enough about a good counselor and not giving up until you find the right one. From the sound of it I do think you're struggling with depression and could benefit from a counselor and maybe even talking with your family Dr about what you're going through. They can help. I also want to share an article with you about finding hope: http://bit.ly/2lDVNVs. I hope you'll find encouragement in it. I'll be praying for you VeeEve.

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:18 pm

Hi VeeEve, welcome to the forums.

I can't imagine what you must of gone through in that relationship. I'm so glad you got out and I hope you are able to open up more.

I know it's hard to not be with someone anymore who you once cared about but you have to do what's best for you. You seem to not be able to hang on any longer. I'm sorry your not talking to him.

With terms of support are you receiving any? Can I ask if you receive victim support? I don't know what your relationship was under but if as you said it was a toxic relationship then there must of been more. Right?

I'm glad you got your mum. You got someone there to talk to. I know you don't wanna hassle her with things but she won't mind. She wants to see you doing ok.

Please keep reaching out to us. We're here anytime :)

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:19 pm

By the way your so young too. There will be lots of support out there for you. Seeing your doctor is a first step.

Good Luck x

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby VeeEve » Wed Mar 08, 2017 11:51 pm

bellabuck wrote:It sounds like you're lacking in the hope department but I really believe that everybody has something in which they can find hope. Why did you choose nursing? I'm guessing because you wanted to help people. For me, as I'm now in my 10th month without a job, I find my hope in God and his faithfulness. Sounds a little bit crazy, doesn't it, when I don't have a job and yet find God faithful, but I do. And he is. I've dealt with depression on and off during my lifetime and I haven't always run to him, but this time I did, and he's helped me through some pretty tough days. But I've also used a counselor, someone who I could talk to about anything and just helped me reason through some tough issues. I can't say enough about a good counselor and not giving up until you find the right one. From the sound of it I do think you're struggling with depression and could benefit from a counselor and maybe even talking with your family Dr about what you're going through. They can help. I also want to share an article with you about finding hope: http://bit.ly/2lDVNVs. I hope you'll find encouragement in it. I'll be praying for you VeeEve.

Thank you so much for your reply. I read the article you posted, and it truly did put things in perspective. While I'm not a religious person, I am spiritual and it does help to remember all of the blessings I have and support I have, and how many things I have to be grateful for and hopeful for.

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:19 am

Hi hope your ok? How you feeling?

I hope things have improved since the last time you spoke to us.

It's good to know your doing ok and with the advice given you were able to relate to someone on here who could understand how you been feeling.

Please keep reaching out

Hugs x

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Re: Feeling really helpless

Postby bellabuck » Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:03 am

VeeEve wrote:
bellabuck wrote:It sounds like you're lacking in the hope department but I really believe that everybody has something in which they can find hope. Why did you choose nursing? I'm guessing because you wanted to help people. For me, as I'm now in my 10th month without a job, I find my hope in God and his faithfulness. Sounds a little bit crazy, doesn't it, when I don't have a job and yet find God faithful, but I do. And he is. I've dealt with depression on and off during my lifetime and I haven't always run to him, but this time I did, and he's helped me through some pretty tough days. But I've also used a counselor, someone who I could talk to about anything and just helped me reason through some tough issues. I can't say enough about a good counselor and not giving up until you find the right one. From the sound of it I do think you're struggling with depression and could benefit from a counselor and maybe even talking with your family Dr about what you're going through. They can help. I also want to share an article with you about finding hope: http://bit.ly/2lDVNVs. I hope you'll find encouragement in it. I'll be praying for you VeeEve.

Thank you so much for your reply. I read the article you posted, and it truly did put things in perspective. While I'm not a religious person, I am spiritual and it does help to remember all of the blessings I have and support I have, and how many things I have to be grateful for and hopeful for.

Remembering the blessings is so important. I'm glad you found encouragement in the article. Still praying!

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