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Postby maze » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:10 am

I have deleted this post. Its irrelevant to me but I agree with the responses. I was too vulnerable and its good to acknowledge that.
Last edited by maze on Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby gm » Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:42 pm

I’m new here and don’t know your whole story, but I’m so sorry to hear that you are feeling lonely, depressed and having suicidal thoughts. First of all you need to have self-acceptance and stop counting on the people around you for joy and happiness. I know it’s hard to do but happiness should come from your heart. Begin appreciating yourself for any accomplishment you make. You should also get involved with some community service and try to interact with people physically. At times people on social media can be too picky and may not respond to your posts simply because they do not know you fully. As you interact with others, you will realize that great people who like you and care about your feelings do exist. Sorry that nobody responded to you on the contact page of the website. It could be that they did not see your post but it does not mean they do not care about you. So you can try talking to someone near you. If you feel you can’t with stand the depression and you do not have anybody closer to you; you can go to the hospital or call a suicide hotline (1-800-273-8255 in the US). You can also reach out a therapist, visit psychiatrists or get in touch with mental health professionals

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Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:43 pm

Hi maze, it's Helloraspberries1 here. I couldn't help but stop and feel so for you with what's going in your life. I'm sorry no one has been there for you and you been ignored. This site isn't here to ignore anyone. We are all a friendly community who likes to support one another in a time of need. Everyone wants to try and get their words across and it's impossible to do so on a main chat room and that's why when you want something to say you get ignored. Please don't feel like its you who is the problem. If you need anyone to speak to there is always a moderator who can help or someone outside the forums. Hope that helps and remember stay strong. Your a good person.

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