Newly Diagnosed and Looking For Advice

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Newly Diagnosed and Looking For Advice

Postby CatsAndTea14 » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:45 pm

Hi everyone!

I have been dealing with Depression for about 6 years (on and off), but only just got help today. I have been prescribed anti-depressants and am considering counselling, but am looking for any advice (I live in Canada and have benefits through my school so most things are covered).

I actually have a BA in Psychology, so I have a decent background in mental health (so feel free to go deep!). I also have a beautiful cat and understanding support system which has been very helpful!

Thank you all! I look forward to your insights.

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Postby specter » Mon Mar 21, 2016 7:29 pm

My states of depression are only states of depression. They come and they go. Why professionals have not made note of that and approached it more intelligently, I do not know. My counselor and I don't talk about the topic of depression because she's mostly interested in telling me to ignore the cause of my feelings and tell me to distract myself with hobbies and self-soothing mechanisms. None of those work for me; if I'm upset, I'm the type of person who needs to deal with it then and there and not a moment later. A personality flaw of mine, perhaps? It's sure treated like one.

My counselor is mostly for my P.T.S.D and my split personality disorder. Lately, I've come convinced she's sick of me. Let's hope that changes because I'm limited in what I can help her help me do in order to heal, until I get my own apartment. Still on a waiting list. Got a call today about it, so maybe I don't have too much longer to wait? No one knows -- fingers crossed.

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Postby nenkohai2 » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:52 pm

Getting in with a good counselor is difficult in the US. I've made do with the psychiatrist that I see. I stopped seeing him for regular therapy because he said some things that made me personally uncomfortable. It took me like 5 years to come out and tell him that what he said made me feel uncomfortable, but, I think it was for the best. He acknowledged my feelings and apologized.

Despite that marginal experience, I still believe that therapy can be a powerful tool when you find the right counselor.

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Mar 22, 2016 2:46 pm


Please note that you have a sample bias with your poll. I'm not sure that anyone on here would identify themselves as NOT depressed (PLEASE correct me if you are here because you WERE depressed, and now you're just here to share 8) ).

So given that, I can say that counseling didn't cure me, but I don't think I would be what I am today without it.

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Postby specter » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:27 am

... Counseling is something I've had off and on, nearly my entire life. The earliest memories I have of therapy were when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I had that therapist and one other one until I was about 8 or 9. After that, I saw a therapist in my teens. I had a psychotherapist when I entered my 20's, but she retired. The next therapist I had was a year or two later, and then she transferred me to the one I have now. Both therapists work at the same place of business, although in different buildings.

Talk-therapy has never worked for me. It's just that simple. It's not going to, either.

The only therapy that I'm convinced, so far, will work is therapy for people who have endured massive trauma. I'm talking the type of trauma that makes you lose track of time and forget how to take care of yourself. It also causes severe amnesia and fugue states. That type of trauma needs to be worked on with types of therapist such as NLP, neurofeedback, and the one that I'm slowly working on, EMDR. Again, those are for intensive traumas. Can't speak for any other condition.

The depression that I have is involved with deep feelings of unworthiness and inferiority, due to the abuse. ... ... Fix the pain surrounding the abuse, fix the feelings of inferiority, fix the depression.

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