Conditioning to a Negative Mind Set

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Conditioning to a Negative Mind Set

Postby nenkohai2 » Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:35 pm

Sounds clinical, but it's not. I've noticed for myself that I have these shortcuts in my brain that go straight to depressive thought. Or maybe more accurately, "feeling tone."

The trick for me has been finding ways to re-set the pathways. To disrupt the pathways to (what seems like automatic) negative thought and open and enhance the mental pathways to positivity, light, and towards, at least, a more neutral feeling tone. I am working my way to a more balanced place.

Not saying it will be nirvana. I don't expect it to be. Perhaps there'll be moments... but I expect times of darker feeling tones, too. It's typical in people, isn't it?

Yes, I'm in therapy and taking meds and these tools help me. The mental work also helps.

I've found, through my own experience, that happiness requires work. It's not just going to be delivered to your doorstep one day. One needs to set the right conditions and begin a journey.

no doubt someone out there reading this has given me the middle finger. I get it. We all want what seems to come naturally to lots of people. News flash: we are not those people, you and me. Stop being resentful of them for what they have - it is a waste of energy. Instead use that energy to start your own forward movement. It can be a slow, long process. But, honestly, it is worth it.

Step out of the negative conditioning. You can do it with the right help and the right tools.

Good luck. I send you energy to help.


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Postby 100footpole » Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:38 am

I've found, through my own experience, that happiness requires work. It's not just going to be delivered to your doorstep one day. One needs to set the right conditions and begin a journey.

no doubt someone out there reading this has given me the middle finger. I get it. We all want what seems to come naturally to lots of people. News flash: we are not those people, you and me.

I've read your post a couple of times, it got me thinking about the pre-conditions for happiness. I think happiness might be like all those other attributes humans have: some things are easier for some people than others. There are people who have had happiness delivered to their doorstep, should we be jealous of them? If we are unhappy being happy how will it benefit us to make a happy person unhappy?

So I don't want to give you the middle finger. Let me make a list of things that make me happy, feel free to extend it:

1) Things going according to a plan that didn't have to change.
2) Someone helping me with a plan so it becomes easy.
3) Seeing someone feel good when I help them.
4) Mutual appreciation.
5) Realizing I was happy, and then remaining happy.

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Postby nenkohai2 » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:58 am

6) As much as I can, "let go," of annoyances, irritations, counter-productive emotions

7) Decide when I wake up that it's going to be a decent day and work towards that during the day

(you're 5 are excellent, 100footpole! All keepers!)

Posts: 477
Joined: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:26 pm

Postby 100footpole » Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:23 am


I view your #6:

As much as I can, "let go," of annoyances, irritations, counter-productive emotions

as a skill that I can improve. I don't think I will ever be able to master it, but if I am a good enough person maybe I can show other people how to be less annoying, irritating, or counter productive by example. I do not feel I am healthy enough to be a provider, but one of the annoying things about "the herd" is how much they don't seem to care.

Think of those wildlife documentaries where a herd of zebras or antelope run past a mother trying to help her baby after it has been chased by predators. The herd is simply relieve that today it is not them.

I don't want to change the world, and I don't feel strong enough to make a big difference, but I believe that if I follow my thoughts, and not my instincts, I will leave the world a better place than if I hadn't been here.

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