Symptoms Of Depression

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Symptoms Of Depression

Postby JustinRose » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:14 pm

Are you, or someone you care about, unusually sad or unhappy? Do you no longer take pleasure in activities that you used to? Has your appetite changed or have you gained or lost weight unintentionally? Have you experienced inexplicable mood swings? Physically, do you experience fatigue when doing even the smallest of tasks? Mentally, are you struggling with speaking, remembering, thinking, reasoning, or deciding things? Emotionally, are you feeling worthless, unsuccessful, unloved, worried or suicidal? Answer “yes” to any five of these things, and you are possibly suffering from what we commonly refer to as depression.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “depression” as, among other things, a state of feeling sad or a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. “Depression” is a broad term for many kinds of mental or situational disorders that present in children and teens, older adults, and in both men and women. And, “depression” affects different people in different ways.

In children, for example, symptoms of depression may include aches and pains, being underweight, clinginess, irritability, refusing to go to school, sadness, or worry. In teenagers, in addition to the children’s symptoms, anger or hostility, avoidance of social interaction, eating or sleeping too much, extreme sensitivity, feelings of being misunderstood, feelings of worthlessness and negativity, inability to make decisions, loss of interest in normal activities, poor performance at school, use of alcohol and/or controlled substances, abuse of drugs, self-harm, and sleep problems (either sleeping too much or insomnia) are symptoms.

Older adults present with more subtlety, because many of their symptoms can be readily confused with the aging process. Older adults can present, to a greater or lesser degree, with any of the teenage symptoms. In addition to these, or in place of them, symptoms may include anxiety or agitation, problems with memory and/or speech, preference to stay home instead of going out, reluctance to do new things, personality changes, or suicidal thoughts or feelings.

There is a book, published by the American Psychiatric Association, called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), now in its Fifth Edition (DSM-5), that presents criteria for the classification and diagnosis of mental disorders. It is used, or relied upon, by psychiatrists and psychologists, doctors, researchers, health insurance companies, regulatory agencies that deal with psychiatric drugs, manufacturers of pharmaceutical products, the legal system, and policy makers. It contains a description of the various types of depression, from seasonal affective disorder to major depressive disorder, and everything in between and on either side them, as well as the nuances of each diagnosis.

Do not try to diagnose yourself. This is a foolhardy and dangerous thing to do. You should seek out a medical professional. The best place to start is with your regular doctor. He or she can give you a physical examination to determine whether the symptoms you are suffering from are due to a medical illness or, perhaps, a form of depression. Your doctor can either treat your condition or refer you to a psychiatrist, therapist or counselor for help. If you are in danger of harming yourself, contact 911 for immediate help or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for 24 hour/7 days a week assistance.

Whatever you choose to do, it is critically important that you seek assistance. Depression is a treatable illness.

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Postby mariareese » Mon Sep 28, 2015 5:46 am

If you, or a loved one is exhibiting signs that indicate they're suffering from the disease of symptoms of depression, this guide might for you. Depression is considered a bad health condition that affects one in every ten people in a many of ways.

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Postby NickStokes » Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:22 pm

Thx for thorough explanation! It will certainly benefit some guys!

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Postby nenkohai2 » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:55 pm

There is a distinction. And I think that's why many people don't get my idea that, for me, I have to "manage" depression, rather than "cure" it. I think most folks on the forum side of this site get that. The chat room side of this site seems to attracted lots of, especially younger, folks with forms of situational depression.

I can not say if in the throes of either variety one is worse than the other. I think both are real. The major difference is that I have managed depression in my life for the last 25 years. Those with situational depression are more apt to have theirs fade and go away. Of course, not all. Continual thought patterns wear a groove in how the mind works -- I suppose you could call it a neural pathway. Changing pathways is the work I talk about in my other posts. It IS work and it requires time and attention.

Strict speaking, though, this is my experience and what I have learned about myself. Your mileage may vary. And probably will.

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Re: Symptoms Of Depression

Postby mariareese » Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:05 am

Few of them are below ..

Persistent sad, or “empty” mood
Feelings of hopelessness
Feelings of guilt, or helplessness
Activities that were once enjoyed, including sex
Decreased energy, or feeling “slowed down”
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Appetite and/or weight loss and weight gain
Thoughts of death or suicide or actual suicide attempts
Restlessness or irritability

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