
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby jen_ » Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:11 am

there is nothing. i have no one. getting better is this illusion promised to me, i am belittled for not realizing it, for not overcoming this, this ive always known. this that engulfs me day to day. this ive thrown all i have at. but im not trying enough. im bringing it all on myself. it isnt real. its all in my head. im "med-resistant" throw more pills at me. make me better by beating it into me with your words with your force. im crazy because i dont bend to their will. im dirt because i am me. ive been told i am loved, where were any of them in my darkest hours? ive been told i am amazing. what worthless sentiments from ghosts. i was not made for this world. the doctors cant figure me out, what hope is there? people say it gets better. im glad for those that found their way through. i wish a little pill could fix this. i wish talking about it could help. i wish thinking happy thoughts made the day brighter. there is nothing. i am nothing. i am drowning everyday. i wish this was a simple case of melancholy. nothing is real but the pain.

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Postby hazeleyes » Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:27 pm

I *feel* you...As if you pulled those words right out of my head. I wish I could say more, but right now that is all I have. Just know that you're not alone. Hang in there...

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Postby nenkohai2 » Fri Apr 10, 2015 12:22 pm

It is possible for you to be you, Jen, and to be so without the amount of pain.

It's an unfortunate that many people believe that happiness is a birthright. The hard but honest truth is it is not a birthright. But it still can be had. With work. For me, I use a combination of mindfulness, meditation, meta-cognition (watch what I think - which, in a way, is a lot like "watching your mouth" for swearing!), talk therapy, and some medication.

Now, do I feel as if I folded to the accepted route? No way. These things bring me to a reasonable equilibrium where I can put my rudder into the water to effectively steer where I want to go. I'm an artist. But I do not believe in the idea of a suffering artist - which is not to say I don't experience suffering - I most certainly do! But it IS to say that I can look upon suffering as a transient condition. Don't cling to your suffering, even if it's comfortable; even if it's the "devil you know." Happiness is outside of those walls.

I hope you can get out of your suffering soon.


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