Fear if pupPets and other things

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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Raining Tears
Posts: 4
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Fear if pupPets and other things

Postby Raining Tears » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:13 am

I'm terrified of puppets my sister used to tell they came to life and murdered u and well she woke me up one night with a puppet in my face since the I can't even stand seeing them on tv I have a full blown panic attack I also cant go in deep waters I fear of drowning and being float phobic being away from home new places which I get Panic attacks only if I'm with my friends I have list of phobiaS


Postby Ahorse » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:11 am

Hello Raining Tears,

Children can be so dreadful and cause endless fear can't they. The trouble is they probably thought it was funny.

My son used to do similar things to his sister and any child that was around. He was always laughing about it and never even thought about the damage. He locked one child in a cupboard and dressed up as something awful then opened the door.

He never did it in front of us but we know he did it.

So sorry you've had this to suffer with as most things are actually harmless. I'll post my own list so you can see how silly I am.

Hope it gets better.


Postby Ahorse » Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:16 am


I really don't know how many I have but I know of a few. Spiders, I run a mile. Snakes, horrors, octopus, yahhhhh. Once when I was little I was with a friend, a boy, who was spearing fish off some rocks. He actually got one and as he pulled it out a smallish octopus clung to it. I wanted to faint.

He put it in a bucket and we walked down the beach with it. We went into the water and he left it on the beach, in the bucket. We came out and some real little kid was screaming his head off. He;d put his foot in and couldn't get the thing to let go. I shudder to this day.

Heights. I feel a strong pull towards the edge of anything without a solid protection and if there is protection I can't even look as I get that falling feeling and want to pass out.

When I fly I always book a window seat and close the blinds on the window.

That's enough for now.

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Postby faizan123 » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:23 am

My son used to do similar things to his sister and any child that was around. He was always laughing about it and never even thought about the damage. He locked one child in a cupboard and dressed up as something awful then opened the door.

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Re: Fear if pupPets and other things

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:20 pm

Raining Tears wrote:I'm terrified of puppets my sister used to tell they came to life and murdered u and well she woke me up one night with a puppet in my face since the I can't even stand seeing them on tv I have a full blown panic attack I also cant go in deep waters I fear of drowning and being float phobic being away from home new places which I get Panic attacks only if I'm with my friends I have list of phobiaS

I would not called being scared of something a phobia. There are things in this life that will frighten you. Puppets are not scary, they are motionless. They only "come to life" when a hand is operating them. Being scared of drowning is fairly common. I was scared of drowning myself, i overcame that fear by going to the swimming baths every once in a while. In PE at school also. You can overcome your fears.

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