Robin Williams affected me, help

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Robin Williams affected me, help

Postby Hawthorne » Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:57 am

I have clinical depression and PTSD. Electroshock therapy, 2 hospital stays etc. for the last 4 years.
I really jumped on my Psychiatrist about 7 months ago and he gave me an additional medication that worked miracles for me.
However, with all the news about Robin Williams and the outrageous act of them describing every last detail has me so down I don't know what to do.
Talk therapy hasn't done anything for me so after two years I stopped it.
I do not understand why I am feeling the way that I do. I do not understand why I feel so sad after doing so well for the last 6 months. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening and what I can do about it?

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Postby no_answer » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:03 pm

Who is Robin Williams to affect you so much? I overheard something in the news talking about it, but I cannot figure out why is he so important while there are really many people with true misfortune whos suffering can still be fixed.
Also, don't believe everything news are talking about. They are incorrect more frequently than not. The standards of reporting are extremely low nowadays in the world. He may still be alive and you don't know it and never will, but drama in the news gets them higher rating (regardless how it affects are like doctors: the are in it for money, not for helping anybody out, with a very few valuable exceptions).

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:29 pm

Hi there Hawthorne. This is a little bit of a tough question because I'm not sure how to answer.

Maybe because Robin Williams spent so much of his life acting out characters that were so funny and heart warming that he made people laugh inside and forget their own troubles for a little while. And when you see someone like him that was so good at making others laugh and be happy that it's hard to imagine him ever being so troubled himself ??? And if someone like him couldn't beat depression how can you or anyone else ??

Plus you are right about the " news" giving out such graphic detail of how it literally happened. They shouldn't do things like that. I don't know why they think they have to. It's awful and disrespectful.

You've done so well for the last 6 months like you said. Please don't give up now. When you feel sad and helpless think of everything you did, everything you accomplished , everything you felt in those last 6 months. You've proved to yourself in those last few months that you CAN make it and be strong and happy. And that wasn't for nothing. You can do it again. I believe in you. Just hang in there okay.

And keep writing on here to let us know how you are doing.

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Postby Hawthorne » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:45 pm

Thanks, I did not hide my depression well, I did at the beginning.
You are right when you say if he can't survive it how can I?
I just don't know how I am going to get thru this, I thought I was doing so much better, but, I have slid back so far I am not sure I can get back out.
The news media went WAY too far when they gave every last detail of his struggle, I know this is common, but, it was shocking and so very sad. I felt betrayed for him and for his family. I changed the channel, but, by then the damage was done.
It is painful to me that so many people, an avg of 108 a day, are losing this battle. Seems like many of us are not making it. I know that is silly and many people are doing very well, but I cannot handle this up and down stuff. Either leave me up or down, don't let me have a glimpse, a taste of up and then take it away. :(

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Postby Hawthorne » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:50 pm

I am literally sitting here crying my eyes out and I cannot figure out why.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:17 pm

I'm sorry your hurting so much. I wish there was more that I could say. I feel awful that I can't help you more.

Your right though , way too many people give up when it comes to depression but we CAN'T let ourselves be one of them. Even if your down on your knees you still have a chance , you still have hope. I've always said as long as your heart is still beating anything can happen.

Please don't give up on yourself. Or give up on all of the wonderful things in life you will have once you beat this terrible time your going through.

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Postby 4EverMe » Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:39 pm

Hi Hawthorne,
My heart goes out to you. It's harder sometimes to be depressed and crying when we can't pinpoint the exact reason(s) why...

You mentioned the big ups and downs you experienced. Have you been diagnosed with a type of depression in particular? Could this be caused by a chemical imbalance? In any case, I'm sorry you're having to endure this kind of grief.

You're right about the media's response to Robin William's death. They shouldn't have divulged every detail, and in such a manner as they did. It was heartless to those closest to assault on the privacy of his family. Media sensationalism at it's worst.

Does anyone else notice that those topics that NEED disclosure of detail are given a more vague presentation than the issues that should be more private??
I'm still trying to fully understand what's happening between Russia and the Ukraine. For weeks, I've been hoping for answers in laymen terms.

And yet? I know the ugly details surrounding Robin William's death, and the depiction of how he was found! What's wrong with this picture?!
By the way, I watch Fox News, and they also disagree with how other media outlets revealed so many details about Robin's demise. They're disgusted with the lack of concern in regard to privacy. Fox News is focusing primarily on the human being that he was- his humor, kindness and charity towards others. I believe that's important.

The media in general should bring forth an awareness of how depression affects ALL depressed people though. (not just primarily the celebrities) Not everyone is famous and/or wealthy. But, each and everyone of us is equal in value. Depression affects people of all status, rich/poor, married/single, old/young, of various creeds and so forth.
Depression can be seen in the eyes of a sufferer. It can likewise be masked by a smile.
Therefore, we really need to listen to one another closely, and to be there for one another. Sometimes, just an overdue call or letter to a loved one to remind them how much they're loved and appreciated can make a huge difference.

I've found that the words "I love you" have a much larger impact when an act of kindness accompanies them.
When someone invests their time in order to remind us that we're still worth something to them, doesn't this bring hope and consolation to our hearts?

I realize that I went off on a tangent with this! However, I thought it worthy of bringing up. A demonstration of love helps by 'cementing' and confirming the words " I care" or "I love you." Words are important, of course. But, we've all heard the old saying 'Actions speak louder than words. ' In some cases, inaction speaks louder than words!

Please understand that I'm referring to depression in general, and our treatment of those who endure it.
I'm in no way implying that Robin Williams was lacking in love by those who were close to him!

But, let us all be good to one another in word and in deed. The time to forgive others with whom we carry a grudge against is NOW. Life is too short for long-harbored animosities. There are so many people who feel bound to their past mistakes. Some are lacking in hope, simply because they've yet to be forgiven. I have witnessed this and have experienced it myself!
When we've a hard time forgiving others, we each need to remember our OWN flaws and transgressions.
In doing so, it becomes easier to pardon the mistakes of others...
Why have I brought up this issue? Because forgiveness is an act of LOVE, and can free many who've lost hope in life. It is merely one aspect of love but it can make a world of difference!

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Re: Robin Williams affected me, help

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:57 pm

Hawthorne wrote:I have clinical depression and PTSD. Electroshock therapy, 2 hospital stays etc. for the last 4 years.
I really jumped on my Psychiatrist about 7 months ago and he gave me an additional medication that worked miracles for me.
However, with all the news about Robin Williams and the outrageous act of them describing every last detail has me so down I don't know what to do.
Talk therapy hasn't done anything for me so after two years I stopped it.
I do not understand why I am feeling the way that I do. I do not understand why I feel so sad after doing so well for the last 6 months. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening and what I can do about it?

It is said that Robin Williams committed suicide because of health issues. It doesnt mean you will have the same health issues and it also doesnt mean you have be depressed. Medication is half the battle the other half is advice you get from your therapist. However most (Therapists) tell you how to cope with the situation. Go and see a counsellor, they usually offer solutions and help you to make sense of things.

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