Your worst Fear/Phobia?

For example: agoraphobia, claustrophobia, social phobia.

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Your worst Fear/Phobia?

Postby JovianHalo13 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:10 pm

What is your worst fear/phobia?

I am absolutely deathly afraid of spiders. As well as natural disasters. (tornadoes, hurricanes, winter blizzards, earthquakes...all natural disasters) but i don't mind regular thunderstorms. Used to suffer from a horrible fear of people. which caused panic attacks. That's not as bad as it used to be though.

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Postby hey-its-ok » Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:30 pm

i had troubles trying to figure out the answer to this question... but when i thought about it deeply... i remember there were a few times i woke up from a dream crying, and its always to do with my parents... i can't vividly remember what it was... it might have been something to do with their death... i don't know if you call this a phobia, but maybe subconciously i love them so much (they are very loving parents) that i'm afraid that when they die one day i won't know how to handle it... but i find this fear buried so deep inside me that i don't see it clearly until i dream about it...


Postby JovianHalo13 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:48 pm

Thank you for sharing, i used to have such dreams. And i used to worry constantly as a child and a teen. I worried that if something happened to my parents what would happen to my sisters (both younger) i would start to panic when they were late coming home. I was afraid i'd go to school one day and they wouldn't be there when i came home.

((((((((((Hugs to you)))))))))

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Postby hey-its-ok » Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:58 pm

thanks jovian... hugs to you too...

i think parents tend to be the anchor in a child's life, children often see their parents as Gods, as "know it all", children tend to get a sense of security with their parents that they can't get elsewhere... and to those people out there who think they hate their parents... i just want to ask them to look deep within themselves... these people will still cry when their parents leave them one day...

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Postby SoulInDespair » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:19 pm


Read what you said in your last statement.........

and to those people out there who think they hate their parents... i just want to ask them to look deep within themselves... these people will still cry when their parents leave them one day...

I do hate my parents and yes, they are dead. Never cried at their funeral. Didn't cry after or even today over them. I'm kind of glad they're gone. I know that sounds horrible but it's the truth. I don't hate them as much as I use to especally my mother but then it maybe due the amount of time they've been gone. Twenty-fours for Dad and nineteen years for Mom.

I will admit though that in the past few years I often here myself talking to Mom and when I was in pain and near death one time I cried out for her
name. So there maybe some connection to her still. A connection the child inside me still seeks.

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Postby Lynne » Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:45 am

I am very afraid of death, but after that, my worst fear is of choking. I also fear fear itself. I'm really afraid of having panic attacks, for example.

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Postby Robvious » Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:02 am

I have an intense fear of those close to me leaving...not for the weekend I mean, but permanently. I can trace this back to a few key events earlier in my life, and the feeling has stayed with me to this day. However, I work very hard so that it doesn't control my daily life. I guess phobias are just things we have to constantly either avoid or try to face head on and survive.

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Postby Monty » Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:59 pm

If I thought about it, I could probably come up with suffering from many phobias.

When I gave the question more thought, I came up with a few big ones.

The one that has followed me most of my life, has been the fear of abandonment. I realize that one is most likely one that affects most people, just to varying degrees. In my past that fear has probably caused me to hold on too tight to people, not realizing that what I maybe I was not loving, but "smother loving". Too often I have seen mothers that have done that with their children, to the detriment of both mother, and child.

The other two probably would rate about the same, if you can rate fear.

I have a terrible fear of fire, and also of smothering.

The fire thing comes from a news story that I heard many years ago.

The smothering one is the one that probably affects me the most, day to day. I have a deviated septum. which means that I can only breathe through one nostril. It scares me terribly to having anything interfere with my breathing. Probably the reason that I don't like swimming, having my head underwater,.

That probably ties into the fact that I am extremely claustrophobic. Just thinking of being in small places scares me. Sometimes I have to change, especially crime shows, because of stuff that they are showing.
It even goes into when I have had to endure surgery, and they have to put the mask for you to go under with the anesthetic. When I had my round of ECT treatments, it is necessary for you to receive a small amount, just to relax you.
I couldn't let them cover my face, completely, with the mask. They just put it half on, half off, so I would still get some of the desired effect.
I panicked whenever they got too close to covering my face all the way.

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Postby aim » Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:05 pm

Seemed to an interesting topic. My worst fear is my extreme health anxiety. Fearing contracting AIDS - even though my risk level is about 0!- and being diagnosed with cancer.

I even develop symtoms when I read about them! I guess I could re-phrase that and say that my worst fear is that my mind will completely lose reason, and I will fall into a pit of hypochondria. The Paxil seems to set my mind at ease at the moment, but I don't want to stay on Paxil forever! Don't really know what to do about it, actually. Will it ever stop? I don't really know...

Kudos to all who were brave enough to share their fears on here... it's not an easy thing to do. :-)

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Postby MJ » Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:30 pm

I can't decide. I'm terrified of being left all alone as a concept. But in terms of something physical it's the sea. I once very nearly drowned as a result of a freak wave dragging me and my father out to sea on holiday. Ever since then I have terrifyingly real respect for but fear of the sea and in fact any water that i could lose control in. I still have nightmares 8 years on.
Tidal waves are a serious fear.

Urg. I'm thinking about waves now and my heart has started racing. That must sound a bit silly really.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:46 pm

(((((((((((((((( MJ )))))))))))))))))))))

Wow! Had to be horrifying for you! Can understand that fear of the sea after reading what you wrote.

Not completely alone, but close to that is a fear many people share with you. We aren't alone, in one way or the other, yet knowing you have someone gives a security/love to you. We all need that.

So glad you posted, give a little insight to you. Hope to share more thoughts and posting with you.

Take care

Last edited by Warmsoul/Jeanie13 on Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby aim » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:56 am

MJ - doesn't sound silly at all!! Sounds 100% logical to be afraid of the sea after almost drowning. My sister was jumped on by a dog when she was three years old... she's 29 now and still afraid of dogs.

Which sound sillier to you??? My sister gets my vote. :-)

Don't be so hard on yourself, MJ, ok?

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Postby georgiapeach » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:21 am

lets see, my worst fear... wow, its so hard to think of it... i think if anything it would be losing my mom and my good friend i've had for a little over a year now. both mean so much to me. i wouldnt be able to make it w/o either of them. and my other fear is of snakes which im trying to over come... but idk how well that'll go until i encounter one

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:26 am

A fear is a fear, no matter how big or small, real or in the mind. Fear is something that happens and sticks with you.

One of my fears has become a reality, this is something that is personal and something, that with all my might and determination, I will get through.

There you go (((((( Peachy ))))) something about me. Don't say I haven't told you something now.

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Postby georgiapeach » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:28 am

(((((((((((((((( jeanie ))))))))))))))))))))))
thanks for sharing it with us or atleast me. im happy you did... i someday hope to get to know you better, but thats a hope, and im every happy you opened up a bit :d ty so much for that... it means a lot to me

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