
Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Postby Frame » Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:06 am

Complexity breeds confusion and intangible values.
Simplification almost always makes life easier to manage, brings our lives under better control.

The challenge, for me is that, simplification almost always entails broken promises or lowered expectations. We do the best we can. We do the most we can. Somewhere along the way balls are bound to get dropped. Maybe the expectations around me are just too high.

I don't know; when I start to hide, it's usually because someone is out there looking for a commitment, wanting more promises I don't feel I can keep. Depression definitely seems like a way of simplifying life, at least temporarily. I just they would stop trying to get me to promise.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:08 am

Yes I know that feeling....

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Winning the War

Postby Frame » Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:11 pm

We must not just celebrate having won the war.
Each battle, win or loose; the work we do, succeed or fail;
We need to celebrate the living, as well as having lived.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:21 pm

Love your words of wisdom Frame.

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Postby Frame » Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:28 am

Cold, cold, cold;
wet and dark;
We just hold on as long as we can
don't we.


Postby CrazyLady17 » Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:32 am

Words of wisdom are awesome! I love reading them Frame :D

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Postby Elysium » Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:17 pm

Life is infinitely complex because it is limitless potential manifest.

Human minds fool themselves to believe that life or parts of it can be conceptualized and understood in a way that's completely satisfactory. To be able to function, we have to create concepts of parts of life. "Thoughts in our heads", we call these concepts. Thoughts are never fully representative of real things because they are not the real things that they are supposed to represent.

We think we know. We know nothing. Realize and accept that you know nothing. Set yourself free. Realize that there is something within you that will always be completely and utterly lost and confused. By giving yourself up to the realization itself you ground yourself in another thing within you. This other thing is completely and utterly fine with how things are, regardless of how they are. This other thing within you is the very boundless potential that is causing mind all the trouble.

Life is infinitely complex because it is limitless potential manifest. It derives from unlimited power. The beauty of that which is boundless is that it has the power to move you into unlimited freedom just as it has the power to move you into abyssal terror, tension and confusion.

Complete honesty with yourself and relaxation in all its forms are useful keys.

Now go out into the world and experience the joy of something beautiful; listen to a piece of strong music or look up into the great sky. Let the absolute authority of that moment wash away any relative authority your mind thinks it holds to move you into suffering with.

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Postby Frame » Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:03 pm

Deep man, deep.
But I may just obey your last commandment.
Because, I believe that last line; relative authority does sort of build like the grime on a car. I need a good societal car wash. For me it's Photography; it does get me in touch with absolute authority, clarifies the way I see.


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Postby Frame » Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:53 am

Authority, mindfulness, concern, compassion, attention;
Oh my?!

That relative authority... Why does authority connote to me to me the feeling of an indistinct figure waiting in the shadows to grab me make me conform?

It's not an idle question. Our minds are natural automatic problem solvers. If we don't attend to them they just go off pell mell trying to solve all the problems in the back of our minds. And if our problems revolve around authority (which they usually do), and if our unconscious sees authority as indistinct shadowy figures (which mine usually does), then any chance it gets, any time it gets a break it's off wrestling with dark shadowy figures. And what are the chances of resolving problems of that nature?

So, my busy idle mind; how would that scenario theoretically affect depression? That's why I like the image of a mind well washed of authority. But it also brings to me, the ideas of shadow and light; and why should authority be only dark? Sure it's probably true that I've met some shadowy figures of authority and those are the one's that probably affect us more. After all, if they are there to guide, but don't seem to be guiding us very well then a conflict ensues.

But what about compassionate authority? If we live long enough we meet people who live up to the image of benign dictator; leaders who really do have our best interests in mind. Wouldn't we then yearn for guidance from a benign authority? Maybe I do on some level, but that image of the formless conformer keeps me from reaching out for help. So, no help for Frame; not so far.

To stop the monkey mind, the automatic problem solver, to sit without judgement, and reflect on the fact that there is a compassionate authority, to see that compassion resides within us, for us, it's not a problem to solve; God what a challenge.

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Postby Frame » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:51 pm

On the other hand;
as every day, problems continue to mount, challenges, not blessing or curses;
where is the compassion when you need it?
where are the solutions?

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Postby Frame » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:16 pm

I feel like exploding.
Anyone feel like exploding?

Or maraschino cherries;
maybe I feel like maraschino cherries.

One or the other;

maybe both.

Or... Hey, exploding maraschino cherries!


Postby CrazyLady17 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:17 pm

Yes I feel like exploding...
Exploding within anger!!

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Postby dougsan » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:28 am

Elysium, forgive me for saying this, you speak as if you have the answers for all of us. I believe the only answers we have are those to a few of our personal questions.

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Conflicted conviction

Postby Frame » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:41 pm

Sometimes our beliefs are so strong that we feel they must certainly belong to everyone. At least, sometimes mine are.

Sometimes our beliefs are so tenuous, that we need to give them the force of conviction just to reassure ourselves that they might be true. At least, sometimes mine are.

I also find that, no matter how forceful or tenuous an assertion may be, it's generally fruitful to evaluate the the words and concepts. Often they hold some clues to my own personal questions. And always, they hold clues to how other people out there are feeling.

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Postby 4EverMe » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:35 am

That which abides within us- unanswered questions...and those for which we seek but a clue,
there are answers- if we hunger enough for that which is true.
If only we broaden our horizons of thought...
If only we open our hearts as we ought,
time will pour forth mysteries.
One is that the more we learn,
we realize with awe...
how little we truly know-
of present and future.
And who can undo history?

Freedom is to love.
Freedom is to live.
Freedom is the ability to learn,
and freedom means to forgive.

Life can feel like a jigsaw puzzle,
as we struggle to find each piece,
hoping to find we've none we
are missing.
But, it is that fear;
It steals and kills our right to peace.

Complexity, at times, is what we make it-
as we take each turn in a maze called "life."
We must live in the moment.
We also must love,
for, it is love that brings us 'life.'

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