A Long Lasting Opinion

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Meloncholic Anchovy
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A Long Lasting Opinion

Postby Meloncholic Anchovy » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:51 pm

It has been with me for the longest time (since childhood), that Mankind (aka the Human Race), will not last even a fraction as long as did the Dinosaurs.

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Postby dougsan » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:31 pm

Meloncholic Anchovy, does it matter if the human race isn't around for as long as the dinosaurs? What do you mean by around? Do you KNOW that human beings aren't modern day dinosaurs?

Einstein, a pretty smart man, said energy could not be created or consumed. We run on energy, with electrical impulses being sent to and from our brains to all parts of our bodies. When we stop living that energy doesn't disapear. That it can't disappear we know from Albert Einstein. So where does it go? Does the energy enter the earth to help plants and trees to grow? Does it enter the air in search of a bird to assist with laying eggs? Does it travel through walls and enter women to help with the next child they give birth to? We don't know.

See, we know so little about life we shouldn't be afraid of it or try to understand its beginnings and ends. We should embrace what we have and spend our lives learning, loving and being loved.

Does any of this make sense to you? I truly hope so.

Meloncholic Anchovy
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Postby Meloncholic Anchovy » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:31 am

dougsan wrote:Meloncholic Anchovy, does it matter if the human race isn't around for as long as the dinosaurs? What do you mean by around? Do you KNOW that human beings aren't modern day dinosaurs?

Yes, it does - frighteningly too. The things that Mankind has brought both upon Mother Earth and upon Themselves, makes the Human Race the Modern Day Dinosaurs. Competing for all kinds of Natural Resources from Earth till this date, where even negatively changing global weather patterns and rising sea levels are being either ignored or paid scant regard to. I can't imagine, just how Earth will look after millions of years of plunder and abuse by the Human Race.

dougsan wrote:Einstein, a pretty smart man, said energy could not be created or consumed. We run on energy, with electrical impulses being sent to and from our brains to all parts of our bodies. When we stop living that energy doesn't disapear. That it can't disappear we know from Albert Einstein. So where does it go? Does the energy enter the earth to help plants and trees to grow? Does it enter the air in search of a bird to assist with laying eggs? Does it travel through walls and enter women to help with the next child they give birth to? We don't know.

See, we know so little about life we shouldn't be afraid of it or try to understand its beginnings and ends. We should embrace what we have and spend our lives learning, loving and being loved.

Mankind / Human Race, are too intelligent for their own good. In so far as Energy that runs throughout our brain to make each of us individuals, and that our Universe started with the Big Bang and till today's Physicists boggling over String Theories, to perhaps a far more advanced Extra Terrestrial's intellect - may very well be pre-school syllabus. As much as Man can so far get at about Life, Time Space, in this Universe, are by & large just Theories. The TRUTH - can never be revealed to or by us, simply for our own good. Man on Earth, is like a "Cancer".

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Postby dougsan » Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:16 am

I'm sorry you see man on earth as a cancer. We are parts of Nature. Nature, not us, gave us existence. I believe we are being used by Nature for some positive reason. Yes we polute. Yes we "hurt" the planet, as we understand the planet. But we are such a small part of the earth, which is a small part of the solar system, which is a small part of ......

We can't see or begin to fathom the role we are playing. We are trying to understand that role but the knowledge is currently beyond us. As we learn more about life as we define it, we learn a little more about how Nature is working. I believe in time we will understand our role and will rise to the occassion as Nature calls.

Meloncholic Anchovy
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Postby Meloncholic Anchovy » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:10 pm

dougsan wrote:I'm sorry you see man on earth as a cancer. We are parts of Nature. Nature, not us, gave us existence. I believe we are being used by Nature for some positive reason. Yes we polute. Yes we "hurt" the planet, as we understand the planet. But we are such a small part of the earth, which is a small part of the solar system, which is a small part of ......

We can't see or begin to fathom the role we are playing. We are trying to understand that role but the knowledge is currently beyond us. As we learn more about life as we define it, we learn a little more about how Nature is working. I believe in time we will understand our role and will rise to the occassion as Nature calls.

For all the Hatred/Resentment/Disenchantment of Mankind I harbour (however natural you deem we are henceforth put in existence), I am only still here because of my old mother. When she expires, I shall be FREE to leave this retched existence as a Human. Right now, I am just hanging on by the cuticles of my finger nails. Painful, you know?

Life to me is a Gift I DID NOT ask for, and worse - it is a 'gift' I cannot keep. From the day my father passed on (2002), I still hate him today for all that he has done to me and my mother. I was here because of him. These dreams (or nightmares) - of another plane - that's been plaguing me for decades, have been showing me where I ought to be, or to which I must return to. I know for certain that there is no "hell" or "heaven", neither is there a God or a Devil. There just is either a Positive or Negative energy plane. Chronology, or measurable Time, has absolutely no relevance there. I been there, I experienced it, I know it so so well. Time - is only valid for the living.

No one can understand the Role we play in this existence. Mankind is here now, courtesy of the randomness of Nature. We are at best; just in passing. Is Mankind learning from all the signs Nature have so far been showing us? Yes, I would say. But after the knowledge, is any ONE doing anything about the HARM we are bringing upon ourselves as a Dominant Species progressively Decimating Earth? NO.

There are no more redeeming factors left, for Mankind to date.

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Postby dougsan » Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:23 pm

As a last comment to you, there is not a person on earth, or who was ever on earth, who understood or understands what humans are suppose to do.relative to the earth. If you can't see that, I'm sorry for you. But don't blame your depression on your inability to accept Nature as being more relevent to the earth's progression than you can imagine. Look inside and pull out the reasons you are depressed. They are driving you away, not the role human's play vis-a-vis the earth.

Meloncholic Anchovy
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Postby Meloncholic Anchovy » Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:39 pm

dougsan wrote:As a last comment to you, there is not a person on earth, or who was ever on earth, who understood or understands what humans are suppose to do.relative to the earth. If you can't see that, I'm sorry for you. But don't blame your depression on your inability to accept Nature as being more relevent to the earth's progression than you can imagine. Look inside and pull out the reasons you are depressed. They are driving you away, not the role human's play vis-a-vis the earth.

Well, I thank you for sharing your opinions with me, and for being very patient in trying to make me view the Human Race from a more neutral perspective. However, I am afraid the recent explosions where you are, affirms my opinion of Mankind.

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Postby dougsan » Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:10 am

Can't let the last go unanswered. What happened in my hometown was the act of a mentally ill fanatic or a group of mentally ill fanatics; and the actions of the people who were suppose to protect us. It had nothing to do with Nature or the role humans play in Nature.

It is too easy to see the acts of a few as the intentions of the many when no such relationship exists. Can you really believe all of humankind in some form or another wants to blow up any person or thing? Collectively we don't agree on anythng that harms others. We never have. We make major mistakes for which I don't believe we should ever be forgiven, turning our backs on the German Holocaust or the holocausts happening in various African countries and Estern Euroean countries are excellent examples of mistakes for which there will never be forgiveness in my eyes. And from these atrocities it is easy to see that humans are not yet civilized but from the aid we offer to our defeated enemies and friends in need we can see -- and should derive -- that we are a caring group who wishes to be more civil. That we are still selfish is proof of our need to survive. That we expect the children of the less fortunate to go to war so our children will not have to is but another truly selfish act based in our need to survive. But and this is the biggest but, just because we're still evolving doesn't mean we are a scourge of Nature or ourselves. We are at the mercy of Nature. Nature is not at our mercy.

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