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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:52 am

The technician came to fix the modem for our Internet. He saw my netbook and went:

Is that a ___________ configured as a ___________?

I was like, "Yeah...." and he went, "COOL!"

I just rolled. It was so funny to me.

Later on, I said to my Dad, "So an old lady can still impress a young guy every now and then." My father rolled.... but asked, "Who's an old lady?!"

(I referred to myself as an old lady because he looked no more than 18.... and well, if he's about that age, I'm 8 to 10 years older than he is.)

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:22 am

(((((((((((((( crystalgaze ))))))))))))))))))

See you are still impressing others. WTG!!!


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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:51 am

What I was doing worked. (Yay!)

There was a problem with Ma & Pa's computer connecting to the Internet, so....

I put upstairs on a separate wireless network to downstairs, as well as change one of the main router settings, & voila, I'm on without any problems.

Somehow, I kept having an address conflict. If I have my computer on upstairs connected to the Internet in slot 2, then when I turn on Ma & Pa's downstairs, that one will also try to be in slot 2--thus causing a conflict.

There was sometimes even an address conflict between the wireless printer, the router for downstairs which brings connectivity from upstairs, and other devices..... Murghk....

Well, I think this should clear up things for now.... ^_^ (It was truly a pain.)

& Warmie.... Yeah, that was amazing to still be able to impress a younger person who also likes computers at my age with my limited know-how.... :lol:

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:06 pm

Alrighty..... Hear my rrawwrrr! :lol:

I am going to test out this external hard drive I managed to grab recently. It's called a Glyph.... It seems that it's used in studios, etc. It was about $189 maybe like last week & $169 recently at JR.

Regarding the price, a new model is supposed to come out today. The price is currently also close to that of other external drives like those from Western Digital, Seagate, Hitachi, HP, etc. However, the quality is supposed to be very good & since my external drive just failed on me, I figured why not give it a go.

The one I got is formatted for Mac, but it can be reformatted to use with Windows.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:05 am

I've been doing too much computering lately....

Checking out Windows 8 Consumer Preview!!

Reinstall of XP on the laptop for my Mom... (Dell 600M)

Reinstall of Windows 7 on HP TC1100.... (Windows 8 didn't work with my installed hard drive.)

Reinstall of XP for my netbook (had to update the BIOS)

Reinstall of Windows 8 Consumer Preview (after my hard drive failed randomly; had it a long time, though)

Install & reinstall of Fuduntu.... (Linux distribution)

One of my computers is broken.... I might attempt to take it apart--the whole thing--& fix it....

While I feel it is too much, I am glad to have something keep my interest!!

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:21 pm

I rooted my Android phone!!! YEAH!!

It was an interesting process.... My phone is greatly devalued by now & I've dropped it a few times to boot, sometimes left it out of its case, so I said what the heck!

Laptop wise, I am hoping I can get a Mac at some point.... (I mean, I already have a heavy duty Windows desktop to work on, already have a computer with Linux, reserving one for Haiku when the time comes, & I don't want to use a Hackintosh again right now. By the way, a Hackintosh was a great way to test out if I wouldn't mind a Mac, especially one where the hardware was highly compatible.)

Soon, I'm looking to upgrade my powerline network adapter to one that can do more, maybe provide wireless N wifi & going to check out a wireless extender to see if that'll help my internet connection, as I had to move my desktop all the way to the other side of the house.... (The tiles need fixing in that room & I can't leave the computer there...)

My netbook has a problem with the keyboard, where a lot of the keys don't work. It might need reseating or I might have damaged it when I replaced the system board to get it working again. The current workaround is to use the Onscreen Keyboard, since I am trying out Windows 8 on it.

Also, just wanted to say that I like Tiny Core Linux for my old Dell 600M computer. Tiny Core has simply brought that device back to life. Lubuntu has revived an old HP TC1100 I had lying around the house.

(I like older computers & trying to get them to work decently enough for basic netbook type stuff.)

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:34 pm

I've been going through a bit of technological woes for a while now.


1. The "broadband" antenna got struck by lightning.

I told the tech people that it got fried. They said everything was fine. I got to cleaning the house, so they could come. 3 weeks later, we find out that I was, indeed, correct that the antenna had been fried for probably like the 3rd time now.

2. My parent's desktop keeps doing this random freeze that I can't pinpoint. The only OS I've used on it is Windows, so I don't know if that is the culprit. It usually seems to work fine before I install any updates, but we'll see. The problem could be hardware related.

Solution: I copied my files from my desktop, reformatted the drive & gave them my computer.

3. I bought some software (not off of eBay) & well, I believe that perhaps it was fake.... If it's not fake, it was at least misrepresented/false advertising. I sent the product back to see if I'm going to get a refund.

4. Since my desktop won't work, I got a used but still under warranty 2011 Mac Mini just now, only to find out that Apple should be releasing a new version soon. Bummer. However, I needed a Mac to test out a device I had.

5. I found out the device REALLY did FAIL (external hard disk drive). It's not recognized on any operating system I've tried: Linux, Unix, or Windows.... The drive doesn't show up anywhere. It's still under warranty, BUT I don't know what the terms are for where I live.

6. I forgot what my password was on the Mac Mini & had to go into to the Recovery Console to reset it via Terminal. You don't know how I sweat for a long time while trying to figure it out, so I wouldn't have to download Lion to do a reinstall of the system.

(I need to do one anyway, but


7. What do you get when you put together an 2.5" Runcore SSD, an AdaptaDrive (Newer Technology & a Thunderbolt Desk Adapter (Seagate) w/ Thunderbolt cable & power source?

A really joyful moment, especially when the drive is recognized! :D

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:45 pm

I've been distro-ing (trying out Linux distributions).

Fuduntu is currently having issues. When I tried it years ago, I love it. It's probably being fixed as I write this, but when I did the update, a lot of things broke (was rendered unusable). I'm not sure why it happened exactly. I got it because E17 (Enlightenment) could be used with it.

I've been looking at Chakra Linux, and with this distro, this is the first time I've used KDE (one of many desktop environments). I didn't know I was a KDE fan. :lol: It might have a permanent home on my notebook.... (I didn't really have good enough hardware to ever have a frustration-free experience.)

Peppermint 3 worked well, I feel, on a HP TC1100. I'd been using Lubuntu for a good while & was glad that I could see something different. It was refreshing. It's a little slow on a Dell 600m, but pretty much everything is.

I'm looking forward to taking a look at Sabayon, Fedora, openSUSE (roughly 2 weeks from now), maybe Arch Linux, & Linux Mint (again, but this time for Enlightenment). :-)

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:24 pm

The Chakra Linux developers must use Vitamix blenders at home..... :lol: (The logo reminds me of Vitamix.)

I lost the charger for my laptop.... Maybe I left it at the shop, but that may be like trying to find a needle in a haystack....

I'm looking forward to more tech-ing! I have some ideas, but I'm hoping I can land a job first. Oh ya, it looks like my hobby is going to pay off because if I get that job I will actually be an asset to the business for the different equipment & wires I already own.

I really would like an Android tablet.... Some are due out this summer I heard.... I'm hoping for at least a Quad Core 2GB RAM item, good screen resolution, good GPU, etc. I understand Android better than iOS right now. I'll have to learn on an iPad for work.....

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:32 am

Let's see. I did check out the latest Nexus 7. The problem for me was that it was a 7, as in a 7" tablet or so. I really must have a 9.7/10 inch screen for my eyes, at least.

Also, compared to an iPad, the content really wasn't the same. A game I had for iPad wasn't available on Android. It was so annoying. I was considering getting my Mom an Android tablet later, but I just don't see it right now. The game I had on my iPad, I knew she would play. (It was a hidden object game.) Everyone really is behind Apple & I am no fangirl.

Maybe in another 5 years or so, Google & Android will be there. I don't know.

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Postby HardissonHard » Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:00 pm

crystalgaze wrote:The technician came to fix the modem for our Internet. He saw my netbook and went:

Is that a ___________ configured as a ___________?

I was like, "Yeah...." and he went, "COOL!"

I just rolled. It was so funny to me.

Later on, I said to my Dad, "So an old lady can still impress a young guy every now and then." My father rolled.... but asked, "Who's an old lady?!"

(I referred to myself as an old lady because he looked no more than 18.... and well, if he's about that age, I'm 8 to 10 years older than he is.)

hahahah, is that real? Very funny, Bro, thanks for this post!

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