Heres to the Beautiful Liars

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Heres to the Beautiful Liars

Postby stillwaters » Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:15 pm

When ever I visit the chat rooms I am always greeted and usually lifted by the warm chorus of hi's and hellos. I cannot over emphasize how nice it is seeing those welcomes and hearing the pings. Although not trying to put anyone on the spot, because sometimes I know I hate being asked myself, but following the social norm, inevitably and sometimes by accident the question how are you, or hows it going, comes from my fingers. Everyone of us has bad days and sometimes the responce is, awful, terrible, I feel crappy, seen better days and so on, which does invite the opportunity to offer help to someone in need, if only by listening to their problems.
Most often though I notice people will say, oh Im ok, or not bad, or getting by, or I'm alright. Ive done it myself. In some cases I think people are just too exausted by their emotions to tell you how they really feel but then there is also the beautiful liars. Even though they do not feel "all right" or "ok" or "good", they wont tell you and they wont complain because they know it would bring you down a little more. They are in the chat room for the same reason you are, to try and get up out of the pits of depression or escape the chains of anxiety. By not bringing others down, they perhaps elevate the moods of both. There is always time after a greeting to discuss the problems of the day.
So here is to the beautiful liars and may we all be one day free of pain and fear and illness.

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Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:44 pm

Postby hollyann » Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:00 pm

((((((((Stillwaters))))))))) I dont know what to say to this really. I like your way of looking at it. Thank you for your post.

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