Hello, Natalie here :)

Introductions and welcomes.

Moderators: Sunlily92, windsong, BlueGobi, Moderators, Astrid

Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:34 am
Location: London England

Hello, Natalie here :)

Postby Natalie_19 » Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:37 am

Heya! I'm Natalie/nat, I suffer with depression, anxiety BPD, and I struggle on a day to day basis but I am trying to get better :) . I work in a care home for the elderly as I want to become a Nurse :)! I am into art, I like drawing and I am into animals :). I have two dogs, Lilli and rupert :) I hope to help and recieve support :) stay well,

Natalie :P

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