Been called names because of this:

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Been called names because of this:

Postby nenkohai2 » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:29 pm

I've struggled and about half the time, actually, "managed" depression for my entire adult life. After working my (psychological) ass off for years... for decades, I've developed a real pet peeve for self-victimization.

Oh yea, there's been times when it seemed every external force, every person, didn't want me to get better; to get into a better mental state. THAT idea was horsesh*t.

You want to get better? Then YOU have to work for it. YOU. Not a doc; not drugs; not group therapy. YOU have to want it and work for it. And I am here to tell you that the work is HARD. And by work, I mean, find what works for you and develop it. Sure, yes, get the help: the doc; the drugs; therapy. But they are not answers unto themselves. Only tools.

Remember, life is messy. You'll get dirty. It's okay. But do NOT expect someone or something outside of you to get you to a good place. No one is coming to scoop you up. Hard to hear, but true.

Take the responsibility for yourself and seek out the tools you need. Get the help. Do the work. You must. Nothing will yield results without your input. Go. Do. Feel better. Good luck.

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Postby JonsDragonEyes » Fri Oct 09, 2015 11:38 pm

Hi there Nenkohai2

Nobody ever has a right to call you a name just because they disagree with how you feel about a subject. And I'm sorry that people have done that to you. All of our opinions are important.

I do agree with you. Each of us are a lot stronger inside than we ever can realize. And sometimes the answers to all of our problems lay within us. Sometimes though you can be so overwhelmed that you lose your way and can't believe in yourself or see any way out anymore.

Sometimes if the right person comes into your life miracles can happen. Love and kindness and having someone never give up on us when we can't help ourselves is one of the strongest kinds of medicine possible.

With the power of love so many , many things are possible. In my heart I will always believe in the power of love and kindness. It could change the world , cure depression and make the impossible possible.

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