Tips for Solving/Preventing Disorganization? + Cleaning

Everyday life. How was your day?

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Postby Monty » Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:16 pm


I know that often it seems like my room is an insurmountable mess. There is just stuff everyone.
On my desk, on my floor, in my clothes drawers (which are bulging with clothes hanging out.

My big goal for my day is to get my bed made. I figure that at least I can come home at night, and get into a made bed.

Everthing else seems to be gravy, though it looks like today I am going to have to do a more major effort. Looks like the laundry basket is overflowing so that job wil have to be done too.

I live in central Canada. I was wondering where you live to have those little (unwanted) creatures in your house.

Here it is so darn cold I used to have to watch for bugs coming in the house because it got so cold inside. I live with my mom, and I keep the rest of the house in pretty good order.

When it comes to my room??????????

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:03 pm

Heya Monty! I live in the US Virgin Islands. You see Florida in the US? It's a ways south & east of there in about the center of the chain of islands. It's close to Haiti.

Bugs are probably the norm, but it's only recently that its been like almost every day I see something!.... :!:

Lizards, ants & spiders are the norm for me--maybe some moths too. :lol:

Edit: Today, in terms of cleaning was the front porch & the bathroom... I swept up enough dirt off of that porch to probably start a small potted plant.... :cry: I will try to mop it soon.... I am a little beat, though....

The fan is still waiting for me to clean the unit itself.... I am not really looking forward to unscrewing it, though.... I already cleaned the blade + the covers. Then I saw like a dust ball inside the unit itself....

I almost don't want to use fans anymore!!!

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:01 am

Cleaned the car....

It still needs to vacuum; the mats need to wash or something; the glass needs to be vodka-ed or windex-ed or something.... ~sigh~

Edit: The upstairs front porch is finally done. I did the windows too....

Right about now, I'm on the verge of throwing my life away: just picking up most of every thing & throwing it out or donating it (whichever 1 gets it out of my way quickest).

I am also a tad frustrated because I don't have super stamina to clean every thing all at once. Most of every thing I've done thus far will be dirty again in a week or less.

At this rate, I may never catch up & complete the task...

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Postby Monty » Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:33 pm


On hearing where you live, I guess it makes more sense that you have troubles with bugs, than that I do.

Where we live the temperature is supposed to take a big hike next week, we are supposed to be getting up to -10C as a high for Monday.

We were mired in a deep freeze for quite a while. The with the wind chill the temperature felt like -40, which is the same on the fahrenheit scale as the celsius. Good things cars come with block heaters. On those cold mornings, when you first start out, it is like you are driving with square tires. Certainly jolts you awake.

I haven't been doing very well in the cleanup department. It is just about suppertime and I haven't made my bed yet. The laundry basket is just about overflowing and somehow I have to figure out what I am going to make for my mom and I for supper.

Glad that you took time to post. Always look forward to getting updates from you.

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:23 pm

All right... I said I DIDN'T have super stamina.... Well... I remembered a little something.... If I say I can't do something or I don't have something (quality), then I defeat myself...

With that said, I now know I have super stamina indeed, but it takes a lot to summon it.

Super Stamina, Super Dande Power....

bag in trash bin
change water for dishes
washed clothes racks (2), carrying tote bin, truck, other cars, 2 pairs of windows
took apart fan (will vacuum it at some point)
watered the plants... refilled buckets with water
threw the trash (earlier in the morning)

Aw, man... I think it's time for a shower + a video game.... I am also a bit sore....

It doesn't look like a lot, but trust me IT WAS

I ate a small meal almost every other hour to maintain that kind of pace. I also laid down for a little bit to catch myself.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:36 pm

Today was:

watering the plants
cleaned the bathroom (except the floor...)
wiping down the cars

The point for wiping down the cars is to reduce the work I have to do later when I go back to wash it... The bathroom was less work, since I had cleaned it recently.

Oh ya.... I wiped down the cars this morning & LET ME TELL YOU.... By around 2pm, when I went to go clothes shopping, there was this fine fine fine fine dust on the car! I ask my mom, "What's this?! I just wiped down the car this MORNING!"

I believe it was volcanic ash from Montserrat or maybe it was Sahara dust.

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Postby Monty » Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:36 pm


That was an impressive list of things that you got done. Good on you.

There is someone in our church congregation who wants to make some plane reservations, the only problem being that he doesn't have a computer of his own.

He is supposed to come over her tomorrow to get some help in booking the ticket. Unfortunately it turns out that my computer is in my bedroom. My bedroom where I have all my life in a room that is about 2 arm lengths, both directions.

That means I have major work to do tomorrow morning. I am not having a mini panic attack. I would like to catch up on what everyone is doing in the forum but I have to sign off for now. Took my pills a couple of hours earlier, so I have to head off to bed since I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Sleep well.

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Postby crystalgaze » Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:48 am

Good luck with it Monty! (((((((((((((((((Monty))))))))))))))))))

Let me know how it goes....

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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:23 am

Dishes (still some left to do)
Wiped off Mom's car
Chased the rooster
Trash taken out (Dad took it out for me & picked up the pile I had on the floor [boxes, shipping packaging, packaging for new sheets]. That was a good assist.)

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Postby dandelion » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:03 am


So proud of you lady :D


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Postby crystalgaze » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:44 am

Thanks dande! ~waves~ Thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm doing my best!

Cleaned the 2 kitchen sinks (soap + magic eraser)
Cleaned the holder for the dishes
Cleaned the counter underneath the dish holder

FINALLY wiped off the top of the closet + the cubbies in the closet!

(Oh man! I was looking at this thread from the 1st page & realized it's been about ONE MONTH, since I said I would tackle the top of the closet!)

:lol: I just had to get it done today.

Washed my feet
Removed nail polish from my nails....
(My poor manicure.... There it went!)

Mopped the front porch (Boy it was so DUSTY again! :shock: Jeez! It wasn't a back-breaking as the last time! ;) ) This was maintenance cleaning.

Edit: Washed out the cutlery organizer + the cutlery in it
Last edited by crystalgaze on Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Monty » Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:22 pm


Sounds like you are going great guns in the cleaning department.

You have a good thing going.

I managed to get my room clean before Tom came to make the plane reservations (using my computer). I even tidied up all of the stuff behind my door, and have made a resolution that I will put the garbage in the bin, right away rather just set it down where I am standing at the moment.

Proud of you.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:15 am

I'm proud of you too! Yay!!! Today was:

Bathroom sink (maintenance cleaning)
Tub (m.c.)
One part of the shower tile wall (the 1 that gets dirtiest the quickest, m.c.)
Vacuumed out the cutlery drawer
Put back the cutlery organized + the cutlery

m.c. = maintenance cleaning

I may do more later today.... I'm not sure.... I still have that other small set of dishes still to wash. I've already washed them out briefly to get rid of odors + the major stuff off of them... They were virtually clean to begin with any way --like I used a pot to boil eggs or to brew tea (stuff like that that).

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:22 am

Washed off my yoga block (was a bit dusty)

Wiped out my mini fridge, discarded the water that drips from the freezer compartment, put back in one of the trays I'd taken out ages ago, dusted off the unit

Washed up the last of the left over dishes (pots, etc.)

Reorganized cabinets under the kitchen counter to put away stuff off the k. counter + k. floor

Put away my aromastones + cleared off the k. counter a bit.... stuff went in the kitchen cabinets, back to the medicine cabinet, into the foodstuffs cupboard, up in my Mom's closet (starch)....

****Let me tell you.... I still have a ways to go with that kitchen counter! Oi! What's left on there is basically my stuff & other stuff I don't have a place for yet... e.g. my 120 oz glass jugs....

I am thinking of discarding this rangette that's on the counter because only 1 burner works.... & also it's an eye sore... No matter how I've cleaned it, it just doesn't really come clean....!!!! Bah! :x We also used to use it when we didn't have the stove....

I will see what I will do with it.....

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Postby crystalgaze » Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:03 am

I have taken a break from cleaning....

I was really discouraged the other day when after I had just cleaned the closet I saw a semi-dead cockroach.....

I was like, "Man... I just cleaned there.... Why'd you have to go in there?!"

Last night, there was a roach in my parents bedroom with me... I was on my netbook, minding my own business when I heard a strange noise... I said to myself, "It sounds like a cockroach..." I didn't move at 1st 'cause I really wasn't in the mood, but I heard again.

I rolled over & looked up & there it was. Man, did I get out of there FAST! :lol: It was strangely agitated... like it had been sprayed or something...

I called my Dad.... I swear... One of these days I gotta stop calling my Dad for some of the roaches.... (He's not going to be around forever...) I have no idea what bugs me out about them.... He does come to rescue me, though.... :lol:

Even my Dad remarked about how strange the roach was behaving.... & as usual, I asked him not to throw it in the trash in the house.... After that last cockroach with the moving antennae, I really dont want them in the house with me.... I know it's probably silly, but I always say I don't want them in here with me for them to revive & come back to life..... That is my irrational thought that has been staying with me for now....

Ah... The woes of living so close to bush/forest type land & the tropics.... :cry:

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