What if...9

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What if...9

Postby Tealeaves » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:24 am

What if...9

I want to advocate for the functional

They are quite often misunderstood.
They are considered abrupt and rude, selfish and unfeeling.

Functional depression is different than emotional. They are not the type to lay in bed crying and weeping under a blanket. No, they live in a world where they still move and do but, like a robot...they are programmed by others...never knowing why...never questioning...all the while, their minds simply detach...but still carry out expected function/tasks...until a time when they can conform no more.

The emotional of the world, tell them they are wrong...that there is something wrong with them. The emotional want to medicate them...to get them to talk, open up...but, the emotional does not understand
...how wrong that is.

"Why can't you what if" the emotional asks "try to imagine..."the emotional suggests...but the functional only sees the world like an old fuzzy black and white movie...there are no lines of color or life, attaching them...no connection.
Because they see what is...and when depressed...the what is... is all there is.

They are guarded, they do not trust...why should they? No one understands them...why should they trust anyone? (What is trust?)

When emotional speaks of things the functional cannot see...it's like having a dark bag over their head...so sometimes, they lash out...but often, they just detach more and more...until there is nothing attaching them anymore.

So...what if I advocate for the functional...by showing the emotional...
(What it is like to be a functional...or...A world without the functional...or... what the world would be like without the functional)

...What would the world be like without...Captain Hook

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