I've returned

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I've returned

Postby nppc197 » Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:00 pm

So, as you can see by my registration date and post count, I joined this site back in August of what we can now say is last year, and made only 3 posts before disappearing.

The reason I left is basically because I didn't feel that this site was for me, given the cause for my troubles. I saw very little mention of mental disorders. But I didn't give up entirely - no, I joined a different forum site about a month later in late September, and have been active there for the whole time, very recently surpassing 250 posts. It was a website that focuses on mental health in general, and has a primary theme of mental disorders.

So, here's how things have been going since then. I've collected a much better understanding of myself by openly discussing the topic with like-minded people. But unfortunately, it hasn't solved the problems in my life. In these past few months I've had serious issues with my own moods and the way they shift so suddenly. There have been a myriad of days in which I woke up in an elevated state, and by the time I went to bed I laid there giving serious consideration to suicide as it took me a ridiculously long time to fall asleep and I felt miserable. I've self-harmed 2 or 3 times since then.

Now, in the most recent past - that being the last few days - I've been feeling something that's not typical of me. The only way I can really put it is that I've been highly emotional, I don't know if I can call it sadness or anything more specific. I've had these moments where, when I have privacy, I just sit there and become teary-eyed as I think of something depressing. Sometimes I think about how, as slow as it can seem, life moves on so fast, and once we're gone, there's nothing left of us. Absolutely nothing for all eternity, and the same fate is to be had for everyone who matters to us. It's making me feel a little overwhelmed just typing it, right now.

So, I just figured I return and post this for now.

Posts: 260
Joined: Wed May 25, 2016 2:11 pm

Re: I've returned

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:28 pm

Hi nppc197, glad to see you again. I hope we can try and help you this time.

I again can understand how you feel. Some of these symptoms your feeling is the same way I've been feeling too. You just don't know what it is or what it could be. I'm so sorry your going through this.

It's good since then you spoken about it to someone. Sometimes we need a different place to see what we would feel from the advice we had in the past. We all need to try out new things. You seem to have given it your best shot.

Have you thought about seeing a doctor or counsellor? I know that I need to go and see one as its been a while since I saw them and need to check everything's ok. I know it isn't. It might be worth you seeing a doctor.

You said you tried another website. What was that? What kind of help was it? Do you think you need a different kind of therapy or is this therapy something need? Looking at your options is a good idea.

In the mean time maybe keeping busy or taking up a hobby might help you with your stress and your problems. You may need to occupy yourself with something else.

We're here if you need to talk x

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