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Fearful Journey

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 10:24 pm
by NJThursday
Before you read, this is how I feel, and how I wished myself to heal honestly. I actually saw the events unfold within a daydream of sorts from the "Tunnel Vision" Story/poem whatever it becomes. Thanks for reading


Although the image before me is denied,
The passage it seeks is acceptance of me,
It is refused the identity that I hold,
For the owner wishes the image were false,
However, the truth remains the same.
The void within the reflections eyes scream release,
The owner is in accordance, The owner agrees,
If he could release the reflection of its painful duty,
He would release it to be someone else's reflection instead.....
Tunnel Vision

I am standing rooted within a dark tunnel of which everything is black,
I can not see what is around me, I can feel arms reaching for me,
They claim they have the answer to my problems,
To my horror I can hear a child cry out; "Save me"
Somehow I recognize the voice, the voice is mine....

I call to it, but the voice goes mum, I can't not reach you I call out,
The hands disappear, and laughter is heard,
"If it's freedom you seek boy, you are in the wrong place"
I let out a shriek as the dark figure's face comes to focus,
He is emotionless, faceless, and his voice calls out in whispers...
"This is before your time boy, you must leave now,
Or I will take you across the lake of sorrow to your demise"
Here I learned, I am but a figment of my own self,
I need to be whom I seek within... Let out the light to guide me...
"Yes my boy, this is what you need to do, stop hurting yourself,
Stop this madness, you're wasting your life hurting over nothing..."
The voice called out parental like, scolding me for wasting my days,
Suffering over those of whom I am of no importance...
"Turn around, seek out the light and live my friend...." He called.
"Live, for life is once, and you will see me soon if you keep this up."
I could feel the hands pushing me out of the tunnel closer to the light,
An angel appeared before me asking "Are you ready to live now?"
I can only nod with tears in my eyes thinking "I've wasted my time so far"


Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:39 pm
by TheRealMe
you know i loves your writing so keep posting :D cant wait to read more :D