The letter to the one i love ...

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The letter to the one i love ...

Postby Tcrumpen » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:46 am

I wrote this mainly as a coping mechanism:

Tell me what you guys think?

To My Dearest ****,

If you’re reading this then you know what is going to follow, every word in this is absolutely true and none of it is a lie

By now you know of my feelings towards you, however even after all this time I am still unable to shake these intense emotions for you. Since the first day I met you I noticed you were beautiful and as the year went on my feelings about have not changed one bit. It isn’t just your beauty that I noticed and fell for, as I got to know you better I started to see that me and you share a lot in common.

You were the first person to truly care about me more than just a university friend and to me that means everything, there are no words I can find that sum up how much I am glad that I met you, I can’t imagine my life without you in some way and I do not want to ever lose you.

My passion for you burns with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns (Yes I did just use a cartoon reference right there). I have never met anyone in my life that is like you, you are unique, one of a kind. You make me laugh even when no joke is made. You have the ability to make me smile even when you are not here and when you’re around I can’t help but smile the entire time, you fill my world with joy.

When we kissed that night in December …. Well let’s just say that I thought I was dreaming, when our lips touched I never wanted them to part, I just wanted to be there in that situation forever, and I would do it thousand times over if it meant that I was to be with you.

Many people have asked me who my ‘perfect girl’ is and the person I describe is you. To me you are perfect; you and I just seem to click on so many levels.

By now I’m sure you’re either in tears or feel guilty in some way, but don’t be, it was an honour and a privilege to have met you and I am glad that we can still be close friends.

This will be the last passage I write, I know you are with **** and even though every fibre of my being wants things to be different, I am happy for you and hope you find everything you’re looking for in life

There Will Always Be A Place In My Heart For You ****

From The Person Who’s Heart Thou Has Taken


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Joined: Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:32 pm

Postby aromatea17 » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:56 pm

That's absolutely gorgeous, and so full of emotion... :cry:

Posts: 26
Joined: Sun May 26, 2013 12:46 pm

Postby Tcrumpen » Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:30 pm

i mean every word of it too i obviously *'d out peoples names in it for here

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