One of the hardest days of my life

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One of the hardest days of my life

Postby angel390 » Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:32 am

Today I at least tempted to cut off my mother, who has caused me much pain, but I'm finding myself hurting and torn and miserable now. I dyed my hair impulsively, which she will hate, got high, and begged my bf to help me but he went out was friends and was tired by the time he got home. I feel so alone and miserable. I can't stop crying. I'm on ft to sleep w my bf but I desperately needed to talk to him, I'm so scared I've made the wrong choice, I need someone to fall back on so badly. I'm so messed up.

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Joined: Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:13 pm

Re: One of the hardest days of my life

Postby efrancanojr » Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:40 pm

I’m so so sorry your going through this. I’m sure that this decision you’ve made was extremely difficult! I’ve had to make a similar decision with my father years ago and though painful at the time but in the long term was exactly the right decision. it doesn’t mean it’s a forever decision! Now many years later we have rekindled our relationship and he’s probably my BEST friend in life! Though I missed him at the time and felt extremely guilty it was absolutely necessary at the time. I hope this helps bring you some comfort and bravo to you for doing what’s best for YOU! Take care!

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