Reasons to live

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Searching Freedom
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Reasons to live

Postby Searching Freedom » Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:53 am

Now that I am thinking about suicide again, I feel that it will be a good idea to think about the reasons to stay alive.
Maybe this will help you as much as it will help me.

1. Watching stars.
2. Dancing in the rain.
3. Seeing the purity in a child's eyes.
4. Laugh till your stomach hurts.
5. Swimming.
6. Painting.
7. Singing like you are a pop star.
8. Try new types of food.
9. Maybe fly. It doesn't matter how.
10. Love and be loved.
11. Helping others.
12. See your dreams came true.
13. Hugging your loved ones.
14. First snow of the year.
15. Making new, true friends.
16. Talking with the people you love.
17. Nature.
18. Birds' songs.
19. Finding new, good music.
20. Travel wherever you'd like.
21. Trying to confront your fears.
22. Riding a horse.
23. Reading new books.
24. Eating your favourite food.
25. Making your family happy. Stay alive for them. Don't disappoint them.

That is all. Fine. Not all. Just everything I would miss to experience. At least, this is everything I was able to think of right now.

Maybe these aren't important reasons for you. But please. Try and think, even if it might be hard. What are your reasons? I would be more than honoured to read your reasons. Maybe we can help each other. Because we are, in the end, connected to each other. Because we are a family.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Ellie » Sat Oct 21, 2017 1:46 pm

Everything on your list is nice. <3

Whenever I'm suicidal, I think of this one event which happened last Christmas of 2015.
I was on my way to a gathering and my friend was supposed to pick me up at a convenience store near her place. There were kids gathered outside the convenience store and asked for a few change. As I was approaching the store, a boy around the age of 9 went to me and I gave him a few coins. He then gave me a very wide, beaming smile while saying "Thank you!". I thought that his smile was so beautiful and I really wanna see it again. I searched for him last Christmas but didn't see him.

I don't think the world is beautiful but remembering his smile, makes me wanna believe that there's something beautiful in this world and I think I found the most beautiful thing lol. I'm planning to look for him again this coming Christmas.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Spleefy » Sun Oct 22, 2017 6:39 am

Thanks for sharing the reasons to live list, Ellie. That's a fantastic list and I found it useful.

When you think about it, there are definitely more reasons to live than there are reasons to take your life. Sure, ending one's life may also end the emotional suffering, but what about the many, many things that we will miss out on?

I recently hit a rough patch that made me question why I should bother living on. Whilst I have found a reason to live now (and still keep finding reasons), your post acts as a powerful reminder to keep focusing on the many reasons for living and what you would be giving up if you did take your life.


Searching Freedom
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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Searching Freedom » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:30 am

Spleefy wrote:Thanks for sharing the reasons to live list, Ellie. That's a fantastic list and I found it useful.

When you think about it, there are definitely more reasons to live than there are reasons to take your life. Sure, ending one's life may also end the emotional suffering, but what about the many, many things that we will miss out on?

I recently hit a rough patch that made me question why I should bother living on. Whilst I have found a reason to live now (and still keep finding reasons), your post acts as a powerful reminder to keep focusing on the many reasons for living and what you would be giving up if you did take your life.


I am so glad you found it useful.

You're so right. There are so many reasons to live. And these reasons are in front of us, but we have too many expectations so we're not able to see them.

We are looking for a perfect recipe for happiness. But guess what? There is no recipe. This is life. A battle in order to become better people. And at the end of the battle you find it. True Happiness.

Searching Freedom
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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Searching Freedom » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:37 am

Ellie wrote:Everything on your list is nice. <3

Whenever I'm suicidal, I think of this one event which happened last Christmas of 2015.
I was on my way to a gathering and my friend was supposed to pick me up at a convenience store near her place. There were kids gathered outside the convenience store and asked for a few change. As I was approaching the store, a boy around the age of 9 went to me and I gave him a few coins. He then gave me a very wide, beaming smile while saying "Thank you!". I thought that his smile was so beautiful and I really wanna see it again. I searched for him last Christmas but didn't see him.

I don't think the world is beautiful but remembering his smile, makes me wanna believe that there's something beautiful in this world and I think I found the most beautiful thing lol. I'm planning to look for him again this coming Christmas.

I hope you will see him again and I hope that this boy will give you the power you need to find beauty in this world.

Kids are awesome. You can see the hole Heaven in their eyes, in their smile.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby kissntears06 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:42 pm

reason to live for is for my dog name mingus, i suffer so much hardship in life so much hurt and alone being bully it came to point that i really want to give up in this life cause i cant handle so much pain i feel in my life being rejected , being alone , always crying so much in pain , why my life like , sometimes i ask god why my life like this, why i suffer so much, why iam so alone ,why people see me like a trash ,why i am poor i always ask god why but i have no answer i always ask god why my life is full of misery, until one day god give me the answer, i found a puppy thats the start to change my life, i took him we both hurt , abondoned, we both suffer a lot that day both our lives change having each other he show he loves me when i rescue him he give me reason to live, he inspired me a lot he never leave me when im crying he always in my side to show me i am not alone anymore, he is 4 years old now and he never failed to make me happy to make me smile best of all he always in my life whn i feel so down thats why i can my dog is the reason now why i see life so colorful and cause of him i know what love is now, he is my best friend that loves me and care for me so much that i never feel in my entire life, mingus my dog is the reason why i love my life now.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby littlestarsmum » Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:20 am

Thanks for sharing, friend! This is a great idea to keep yourself away from all the negative thoughts. I’m glad you found so many reasons to live and I’m sure you’ve helped others too. Hope everything goes well with you. Stay strong. Hugs & prayers!

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby JonsDragonEyes » Wed Nov 08, 2017 1:48 am

I like this it's a really good idea.

1. Watching fireflies
2. My favorite blanket right after the laundry is done and it's still all warm from the dryer and smelling sweet
3. Chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven when they are still gooey
4. Seeing the Ferris Wheel at my town carnival lit up at night with rainbow colored lights
5. When one of my cats falls asleep purring on my stomach
6. Reading one of my favorite books that I have read a hundred times before and feeling just as excited as when I read it the first time
7.When my favorite song comes on the radio
8. Seeing a falling star
9. Opening a package on Christmas or my birthday
10. Having fun making up a new dance when you know no one is watching and you don't care how silly you look because your having fun.
11. When your in the store and a total stranger walks by you and smiles
12. Getting a hug for no reason at all
13. Falling asleep with my old teddy bear beside me ( we are all kids at heart )
14. The smell of my mother's perfume
15. Walking barefoot on warm summer grass
16. PIZZA !! Lol
17. Listening to rain on your window outside
18. Waking up to a winter wonderland outside your door when there is a snow storm
19. Wearing my favorite shirt even though it's so worn it's falling apart
20. Riding in a car with the windows down makes you feel like your flying
21. Making shapes out of the clouds in the sky
22. Junk food
23. Watching fireworks
24. Your favorite comedy sitcom on television
25. The colors of a sunset

Searching Freedom
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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Searching Freedom » Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:05 pm

JonsDragonEyes wrote:I like this it's a really good idea.

1. Watching fireflies
2. My favorite blanket right after the laundry is done and it's still all warm from the dryer and smelling sweet
3. Chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven when they are still gooey
4. Seeing the Ferris Wheel at my town carnival lit up at night with rainbow colored lights
5. When one of my cats falls asleep purring on my stomach
6. Reading one of my favorite books that I have read a hundred times before and feeling just as excited as when I read it the first time
7.When my favorite song comes on the radio
8. Seeing a falling star
9. Opening a package on Christmas or my birthday
10. Having fun making up a new dance when you know no one is watching and you don't care how silly you look because your having fun.
11. When your in the store and a total stranger walks by you and smiles
12. Getting a hug for no reason at all
13. Falling asleep with my old teddy bear beside me ( we are all kids at heart )
14. The smell of my mother's perfume
15. Walking barefoot on warm summer grass
16. PIZZA !! Lol
17. Listening to rain on your window outside
18. Waking up to a winter wonderland outside your door when there is a snow storm
19. Wearing my favorite shirt even though it's so worn it's falling apart
20. Riding in a car with the windows down makes you feel like your flying
21. Making shapes out of the clouds in the sky
22. Junk food
23. Watching fireworks
24. Your favorite comedy sitcom on television
25. The colors of a sunset

It has been almost 2 years since you wrote this. But, somehow, I've never seen it. I don't know why. And reading some of the things I wrote in the past led me to your comment. To your list. And at first I thought it will be weird to respond after such a long time, but I couldn't help it. I really love your list. Some of the things you've said are actually reasons I am going to add on my own list.
I especially love these numbers: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 18 and 20. I must say that no. 16 spoke to me on a hole other level. I feel you! :))

I was wondering... maybe you are not using this forum anymore, but if you are (I really hope you do)... Like I've said, it's been almost 2 years... but is your list the same?

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby athena.vhd » Fri Aug 02, 2019 2:42 pm

i hadnt seen these lists they are awsome thank u Searching Freedom to reply this posts.
maybe i have to make one for myself :D

Searching Freedom
Posts: 27
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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Searching Freedom » Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:31 pm

athena.vhd wrote:i hadnt seen these lists they are awsome thank u Searching Freedom to reply this posts.
maybe i have to make one for myself :D

If you'll make your own list, I'd like to see it too, but only if you let me. :)

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby athena.vhd » Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:15 am

of course may not be a good literary writing
1-smell of fresh brewed tea
2- save money to buy a special thing.
3-lose weight.
4-to hear voice of mothers prayer.
5-trying to draw ppls faces.
6-to see my nephew laugh.
7-watching breaking bad series.
8-listen to my favorite singers new song 1000 times.
9-exercise hard.
10-skin care.
11-cooking a new food .
12-to go to a consert.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby CamGirl » Wed Mar 04, 2020 3:26 pm

Those are awesome ideas. Spend more time with people you like and love. Watch funny movies and laugh out loud. Eat your favorite food. Shop for your favorite brand. Look at the window and find a beautiful spot. You will realize that life is still beautiful and worth living.

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Frozen_Robot004 » Thu Mar 05, 2020 2:07 am

I never thought of any specific reasons. But maybe there are a few things.

* New York
*Northern Lights
*One Direction

This is all I guess. :|

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Re: Reasons to live

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:22 pm

Searching Freedom wrote:Now that I am thinking about suicide again, I feel that it will be a good idea to think about the reasons to stay alive.
Maybe this will help you as much as it will help me.

1. Watching stars.
2. Dancing in the rain.
3. Seeing the purity in a child's eyes.
4. Laugh till your stomach hurts.
5. Swimming.
6. Painting.
7. Singing like you are a pop star.
8. Try new types of food.
9. Maybe fly. It doesn't matter how.
10. Love and be loved.
11. Helping others.
12. See your dreams came true.
13. Hugging your loved ones.
14. First snow of the year.
15. Making new, true friends.
16. Talking with the people you love.
17. Nature.
18. Birds' songs.
19. Finding new, good music.
20. Travel wherever you'd like.
21. Trying to confront your fears.
22. Riding a horse.
23. Reading new books.
24. Eating your favourite food.
25. Making your family happy. Stay alive for them. Don't disappoint them.

That is all. Fine. Not all. Just everything I would miss to experience. At least, this is everything I was able to think of right now.

Maybe these aren't important reasons for you. But please. Try and think, even if it might be hard. What are your reasons? I would be more than honoured to read your reasons. Maybe we can help each other. Because we are, in the end, connected to each other. Because we are a family.

Those are all good reasons to stay alive, you can make life fun in various ways. Communication with people is the best thing. Discovering spirituality is another.

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