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Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:30 pm
by loneranger17

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:51 pm
by hey-its-ok

... *sigh*... no, you are not going to go to jail for this, and no, i don't think you are going to get expelled too... but it would help if you approach the teacher who caught you, and apologise, tell him/her that you are VERY sorry, you just couldn't resist the biscuits, but you will NEVER do it again, ask for forgiveness, show that you are remorseful (i.e. show that you fully regret what you have done), keep saying that you are very sorry (and make sure your face shows that you mean it), promise that you will never do that again... ok?

Do this, and i think it may make his/her anger calm down, and if he/she wants to punish you, just accept the punishment, say that you know you are wrong, that you won't do it again, and gracefully accept your punishment... and ... hey, loneranger, don't do that again :wink:

and.... cheer up, you'll be ok... my thoughts and prayers are with you 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by Warmsoul/Jeanie13
Over a cookie or two?? Are you serious? Teacher let you use the phone that many times?

Next time try going to the office to use the telephone. And, buy some cookies, give them to the teacher that caught you, and I am sure all will be well.
