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How To Get Her to Take Her Meds

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:15 pm
by D4A9N
1st time posting. Not sure if this is the right place or not.

My wife of 22 years was given some meds for her depression about 6 months ago. She has not started taking them yet.

She goes through spurts where she seems fine. For instance, yesterday she had lunch with a friend of hers, my daughter said she came home in a good mood.
She took a nap, and then seemed to be in a good mood then as well.
When I walked in the door from work, her mood changed. My daughter even noticed.
Yes, we are having problems in our marriage, some of it has to do with me, but we keep having these cycles of every few months where she just seems to get worse.
She is very negative at times and always seems to find the worse in people including our daughter.
I'm posting this on this site instead of a marriage website because I just realized this morning that her brother has the same sort of issues as well, but he's better when he's on his meds.

How do I go about approaching my wife to take her meds? Since she reluctant to try them because she's afraid she'll get addicted.

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:00 am
by crystalgaze
Let's see.... Did you go to the doctor with her originally?? It may help to go with her, if you can. I would go back to the doctor with her & share her concerns. There was someone on the forum who had posted a while back that a nurse had come everyday to make sure medicine was taken. The person had reported good results with taking the meds long enough for it to work.

Also, whatever is wrong in your marriage has to be fixed somehow, if your wife would also like to fix it with you.

Encourage her & let her know you'll be there for her, regardless of what happens & that the important thing is to try. If one thing doesn't work, she can try something else. Become aware of the different options available. Let her know that you all are in this whole thing TOGETHER. It will be hard if the thing to fix in your marriage is an affair. (Some people are not very forgiving about that while others forgive and move on with life.)

I think the best approach is to just let her know that you don't want to fight. If it really is too much, escape. Have a space that is your own & is off limits. Sleep in another room if you have to do that. Grab your own food if you must. Take care of you. Do what you need to do for peace and your well-being.

I hope something I've written is helpful.