Gender, Our Forum and Chat

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Gender, Our Forum and Chat

Postby nenkohai » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:08 am

It happens every time in my experience. Every time.

The tenor of a chat or email exchange changes when a user finds out I am male. It doesn't matter if the person I'm emailing or chatting with is male or female.

Its as if the value of what I say changes because of my sex. Of course, the fact is, I say what I do because it might help and I can't help or change what the other person thinks. In fact, its none of my business what they think.

I almost want to say that I will not initiate a convo with a female, but that is just a knee-jerk reaction. Sexist.

I'll leave it this way - if a person's approach to me changes after finding out I'm male, it's their change to make.

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Gender Bender

Postby Frame » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:16 pm

Sorry, Nenkohai, if something posted here made you feel uncomfortable. The world is full of social mores, they're different for everyone, and most of them revolve around gender. So it's hard to go through the day without finding conflicting gender views. But that doesn't mean you have to agree with them and it's not essential you respond.

It's OK to keep posting and reading for your own good, respectful of people's differences without supporting views you disagree with. Silence can be more illuminating than conflict sometimes. I value your views and hope you'll.stick around.

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Postby nenkohai » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:25 pm

No sorry's needed, Frame. Really, just working it out for myself by writing here.

No worries, friend.

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Postby Blaine » Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:18 pm

Not sure how much help this'll be for you, but I'd be happy to talk if you ever need it. I'm also a dude, and sadly have noticed the same as you at times! x]

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