Long Involved Tedious Tasks

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Long Involved Tedious Tasks

Postby CitM » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:06 pm

Everyone has some long involved tedious tasks that crop up from time to time. Even healthy people balk a bit when they pop up. What's worse is when these tasks drag on day after day or end up with little pay off. So how do healthy people stay motivated?

I have observed that they do it with someone else. Study groups, needlework clubs, cleaning with a spouse etc. Some put on music and set a time limit if one has a task that will take several days. Healthy people do a variety of things in a day.

To do lists are very helpful, as well as timers.

When you are taking meds for depression, anxiety, etc These tasks can seem nearly impossible. I have observed that for those so impaired, because of side effects, it takes awhile to get up to speed. If you work on some task that seems daunting for even 20 minutes, pat yourself on the back because that's a success!

You can write an entire book in 2 years by just writing 20 minutes a day.

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Postby CitM » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:07 pm

I forgot to ask, what do you find hard to get started and stick with? What is your tedious task that makes you feel stuck?

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