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Postby loneranger17 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:31 pm

Last edited by loneranger17 on Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:25 am

((((((((((((((( loneranger )))))))))))))))))))))

The knowledge needed to get you into being a Nurse Aide can be done through the homes for the elderly. It is where I live, known several that have received their license/qualification by going through the course, while they worked at the homes.

Home schooling is recognized, graded, as if you are attending a public school. With the situation as it is for you, have you considered do home schooling?

Do you see a doctor for depression? Curious, for if you are then please talk with them about your feelings.

Know we are here to support you, in anyway we can. Please.

Warmie 8)

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Postby Emotional_77 » Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:46 pm

hey loneranger, thats horrible what is happening to you. I remember when we had a classmate who I guess didn't dress appropriately and was ugly to others. No one liked her. I decided to go up to her one day and talk to her, she turned out to be a real nice girl and we became friends. People don't know what they are missing and all they do is judge a book by its cover. I am sure you are a beautiful sweet young lady and yes I would care if something happened to you. Anyway, talk to me if you need anything, I will be happy to listen :)
by the way, I'm in the program for what you are thinking about doing.
take care hun

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Postby Chrissy » Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:31 pm

kids are horrible.. i'm sorry they are being so rude to you... i think it's important that you at least take a shower.. that's not fair to them if you actually literally stink.. if you dont wan't people making fun of you, you need to at least try.

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Postby hey-its-ok » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:13 pm

Hi Loneranger! so nice to have you back again! of cause we care about you here, i was wondering when you will be back... you know Loneranger, i can say something nice and sweet to you and make you all happy, or i can say something which i think will benefit you, but this may not sound that nice and sweet... so after thinking about it for a while, i have decided to say something that maybe will be of some help and benefit to you, but i hope you don't take it wrongly, i say it with your best interest at heart, ok?

It seems from your posts that people tend to feel uncomfortable with you. I know, its your life, and its not their business, and they should leave you alone and not make such bad remarks... they should not do what they did to you, but, on the other hand, maybe you should see if you can make yourself more appealing to others... it may take a bit of effort, you may need to change your habbits... but if this is going to make people like you, if this is going to make your life easier and better, and if this will make it easier for you to go to school and get along with other people, why don't you give it a try? Maybe put on some makeup, wear new and beautiful clothes, smile and be friendly to others... i know, its difficult now that everybody is already so used to your original self, if you change, they may also laugh at you.. but maybe if you change gradually, just a little bit at a time... maybe shower a little bit more often, and after a while... but one or two new clothes, something that you like... you know... do it gradually... but i think if you do this, things may change...

tell me if you think i am wrong... i'm happy to have feedback from you... i really hope all goes well for you, my thoughts and prayers are with you loneranger... take care and all the best... i'm looking forward to your reply (but from the 18th oct, i may not be able to reply quickly)

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