Losing confidence

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Losing confidence

Postby Chanel22 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:34 am

This pandemic has only made me feel worse. Sometimes I feel like I eat my feelings. I feel fat, ugly, and disgusting. Even though I know I get compliments from others about my appearance I still have lost so much confidence. I don’t have the motivation to work out which only makes me feel fatter. I just want to not exist or live in my dreams because that is the only place I ever feel at peace. Sometimes I wish nothing was real and I can’t believe that I am living this life. People I love are always hurting me and making me feel like i don’t deserve anything. I wish I could detach my feelings and love from people so that i don’t feel any pain. I wish people cared for the living as much as they mourn when you’re gone. I don’t understand why people hurt me the way they do. My anxiety keeps me up at night and my thoughts run wild. I have been even more isolated because I don’t want to get sick during this pandemic but it is really taking a toll on me because I am stuck more with my thoughts.

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Re: Losing confidence

Postby CamGirl » Tue Dec 08, 2020 7:32 am

Hello there. I hope you're feeling better. It's not easy when your depression or negative thoughts are triggered by the very people you live with. Unless you can move out or whatnot, it is best that you find something that will distract you from dark thoughts. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to try your hardest to help yourself.

Wish you well!

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Re: Losing confidence

Postby Tealeaves » Wed May 05, 2021 6:31 am

I'm not a doctor, but I like to help

This pandemic has been rough. So many pieces of information; you don't know what to believe.
In my opinion, it sounds you have a case of the; what I call; the why should I?
Think of it like your brain is scared and confused. What do we do when we are scared and confused? We go back to basics, roots, home; meaning; your brain is now trying focus only on what IT thinks you need to do to survive..not live, just survive. You feel conflicted because of the back and forth battle; between what you want, and what your brain wants. It's why sometimes you can do dishes, exercise, connect with people...and why sometimes you can't do any of those things. Again, it's all about survival and what your brain thinks you need; life and death; need to do. Meaning; if you exercise, it will make you feel good. Just like going up a roller coaster hill; but later, when the good goes away and the depression returns...the higher you went; is that much further to fall down that hill. One of your brain's jobs, is to protect you. It thinks, by not letting you get on that roller coaster (not exercising) it's protecting you from falling. It's a miserable and boring feeling; being content in your discontent; but it's safe

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