Which Youtube People Do You Find Helpful?

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Which Youtube People Do You Find Helpful?

Postby DurandalBlue » Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:34 pm

I thought I'd share some youtube mentors I follow that have been very beneficial and helpful to me. I am sure there are still plenty I don't know so if you have some in particular you like please share!

I am a rather spiritual person so these youtube channels are spiritually focused with the exception of the last one.

Matt Kahn (True Divine Nature) - Right now he is my favorite mentor. He is very kind, compassionate, and you can just see in his expression he wishes to help heal the world. He is extremely advanced and evolved at a soul level. If you're looking for guidance and teachings that will pull you out of the darkness the fastest then Matt Kahn is at the top of my list. He has very comforting teachings that are easy enough to understand and powerful enough to help you evolve and see things differently.

Teal Swan - I like Teal Swan a lot too. I haven't watched a ton of her videos yet because I have been mostly immersed in Matt's but she is very inspirational too, especially considering the extremely challenging and horrifying upbringing she had as a kid which includes years of rape, torture, physical abuse, brainwashing, suicidal thoughts and more. You should read her story. It may help put yours in perspective. If she can overcome what she went through then I believe all you can overcome your challenges too!

Ralph Smart (Infinite Waters) - Ralph has a very soothing and bright presence. He has tons of videos so for anything for want to know about I am positive he has a video for it. He has so many I haven't seen but the ones I have seen I am convinced that he is knowledgeable and can be very helpful.

Hans Wilhelm - Hans takes spiritual concepts and uses a dry erase board to create drawings which help illustrate concepts in a very simple and easy to learn way. If you're not so familiar with spiritual concepts and want to learn them then he is perfect for easing you into them.

Leo (Actualized.org) - I don't know if Leo is as spiritually advanced and evolved as Matt, Teal and Ralph but he does have a lot of videos which are long and he seems to know what he is talking about. If you feel you can't relate to the above people Leo is someone you maybe able to relate to better. He is more of no BS tell it like it is kind of guy and does a pretty thorough job of explaining life concepts.

Elliot Hulse - Elliot is very interesting. Originally his videos were based on bodybuilding and was geared more towards being a mentor for young men. He started introducing more spiritual based concepts into his videos and started building a very large following. Before I said Leo was a no BS guy well Elliot is a whole other level of no BS in your face about concepts. He can be really intense but it is helpful for seeing things from a certain perspective. He has a unique way of explaining things so you should check out at least a few of his vids, they tend not to be long.

raocow - Raocow is not a teacher. He just has a channel where he plays video games. I am a dork so yes I am into that kind of thing :P. He is a bit silly but also very unique with his commentary. Not everyone will like him but I put him here because he is a reminder to have fun and not take life so seriously. You should take some time to engage in things that bring you joy and make you laugh and he always put a smile on my face. He's made 1000's of videos. When I first found his channel I just so happened to click on this video and from then on I knew I'd want to continue watching him. Even if you don't want to subscribe to his channel I would recommend watching this video when you need a cheering up :)


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Postby 100footpole » Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:00 pm


You know what I love about your post is the variety of chanels that you have put on there.

There is no one answer, there is no one chanel that EVERYONE must watch, but if it helps me, why can't it help someone else.

A very specialized chanel on YouTube is funfunfunction by Mattias P Johansson (@mpjme) | Twitter. He is a very enthusiastic computer programmer who is trying to empower individuals. If you are a coder it is worth looking at his channel. I recommended it to one of my coder friends and he said he couldn't stand how Mattias did a cut for every sentence ... the framing is very jerky.

Thanks for starting this thread. If someone has a YouTube channel and reads this I would love to see what you are enthused about.

I am going to go take a look at:

raocow - Raocow is not a teacher. He just has a channel where he plays video games. I am a dork so yes I am into that kind of thing Razz. He is a bit silly but also very unique with his commentary. Not everyone will like him but I put him here because he is a reminder to have fun and not take life so seriously. You should take some time to engage in things that bring you joy and make you laugh and he always put a smile on my face. He's made 1000's of videos. When I first found his channel I just so happened to click on this video and from then on I knew I'd want to continue watching him. Even if you don't want to subscribe to his channel I would recommend watching this video when you need a cheering up Smile

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Postby specter » Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:36 pm

Does anyone else on here enjoy ASMR? I occasionally frequent the .fm website.... Just recently, it got hacked. It's now stabilized. Still, gotta be careful out there.

My favorite ASMRtists are OliviaKissperASMR, GentleWhispering, and Air Light ACMP. Those 3 do it the best for me.
Last edited by specter on Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby DurandalBlue » Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:17 pm

Glad you liked the post 100footpole. I figured I would put several because everyone may resonate with someone different. I would love to get a dialogue going on this and hear from others too.

I haven't heard of ASMR before but perhpas I will give it a try!

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Postby 100footpole » Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:53 am

The joy in raocow's films was evident.

On a different thread someone said they didn't have skills.

I think the movie I saw from raocow shows how to get better at a side scrolling video game. It's not for me because I don't have the reflexes for working a controller or a keypad. What I liked about his video is the way that he would learn from his mistakes instead of fixate on them.

I think that examples of videos from people who are enthused about what they're doing and want to share that is a positive experience that we can foster by committing to an interest.

Does anyone have any experience overcoming that feeling "Nothing Matters" by engaging with You Tube content?

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Love a good ramble.

Postby specter » Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:45 pm

Eh, I actually like that "nothing matters" feeling. Enjoy it quite a bit on some days.

Yes, I think it's done that for me before. Gave me some insight and opened my eyes. YouTube is great. Too bad it still gets some stink from people who want everyone to get off the Internet and get a social life. *lol*

What feels great is listening to people just talking about their lives. Rambling. I love a good ramble. Sometimes I replay those ramblings in my head. Makes me feel less alone in the world to know that I'm not the only person who suffers on the inside and cannot seem to crawl out of it. And, honestly, that makes me feel like a jerk. It makes me feel like a jerk to feel good that someone else happens to be suffering too. It does not feel good to know that someone else is suffering, only the part where I don't feel alone. Such guilt in that statement.

People are interesting. Cumbersome, but interesting. Can get lost in another person's life ramblings on YouTube quite easily.

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