I want a baby so much

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I want a baby so much

Postby MillyMay » Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:29 am

I want to have a baby so much to the point where it makes me sad to think about it. Recently ive been brought to tears just hearing people talk about babies. Currently, ive been going to the doctors because I havent had a period since coming of the pill in May and this scares me so much, to not be able to have my own kids would be devastating. And to top it of my sister who is 4 years younger than I am is pregnant. I dont now how to not be so jealous of her. I want to be happy im going to have a neice but at the same time im depressed that its not me. Also my boyfriend of 5 years, does want children, just not yet. What can I do? Please help.

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Postby fallen » Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:30 pm

it is a huge decision to have a child and each partner needs to be there, unless your happy to be a singe mum !
it is great that your sister is having a kid , try not to allow your jealousy to interfere with this happy time .
all kinds of things can make it hard to have a child i.e stress, diet etc.
talking to your boyfriend about how you feel might help .
take care

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