Cracking the brain code

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Cracking the brain code

Postby Tealeaves » Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:33 pm

Life happens and there is no pause button
The brain uses Depression as a pause button

Here is why...

Sometimes things happen that do not make sense. Since we can't just stop life until we can make sense of it, we are forced to move on and push the issue to the back of our mind. Eventually something triggers it.

Guess what... That issue is still not making sense... and the thinking part of the brain now needs ( life and death need) to make sense of things.
So while your brain is focusing, effort/energy, on figuring out how to make sense of that issue, you go into a pause mode... this is why you feel stopped or paused when you're depressed.

Believe It or Not depression is actually a normal process in your brain... sounds crazy... let me explain in a different way.

There's a complex explanation for this but we're going to keep it simple. ( warning: this experiment is not easy )

The next time you hear somebody say something that doesn't make sense; IE., someone mispronounces a word or, adds something up wrong; 2+2= 9

This is is the tough part because it happens in a micro of a microsecond
Pay attention to what happens to your brain.

It's after your brain has taken the information in but, before your brain says 'huh' ( note: not you saying huh but, your brain saying huh.. yes there actually is a difference. )

Notice how your brain is kind of stopped or, paused?

Crazy as it sounds, that is actually depression minus the emotion feeling.
It's kind of a numb feeling.

Again it happens in microseconds of a microsecond and so, kind of tough to catch but, not impossible.

So this is happening because the information that's just been entered into the brain... does not make sense.
After that tiny little moment comes the moment where we say huh ..either out loud or to ourselves.
And then the Gear start working again and the Brain using whatever information it needs to, figures out either how the information doesn't make sense or why it doesn't make sense.

For example; a child might mispronounce a word. And because it's a child now your brain can say that makes sense. Or if somebody is visiting from another country and they're mispronouncing a word. Again your brain is able to make sense of this. This means that your brain is no longer paused because it was able to make sense of things.

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Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:43 pm

Re: Cracking the brain code

Postby harrystyles » Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:46 pm

Remember that you will never find a rainbow if you're looking down.
slope game

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